Bring Clone Service Back Please

Clone service should be default. It’s not our fault they can’t because the characters might have wotlk and tbc gear. They deleted them on their end not us. Give us our characters back we spent so much time and money on it.


The fact they charged money to get chars cloned was a horrible idea.

It did a great deal of damage to Era in the beginning, and legitimized the opinion of those calling Era a dead game. What I call “the mass” fell for FOMO and went to TBC.

Now that mass did not have a problem with shop mounts, boosts, same faction bgs, mono faction servers, etc. While we built up a great community on Era from the ground up, many continued calling us “dead” for a long time.

But reality was slowly manifesting - Era was the end of the continuous cycle of death and resets WoW has supported for close to 20 years. A paradigm shift in the way WoW can be played, driven by a strong MMORPG community, within the frameworks of WoW’s KING version.

The same community that wrote posts, blogs, created content on youtube, and did anything it could to expand its numbers, until it has caught fire and, the rest is history.

What I mean with all this is:

1. If you moved your char to TBC and never cloned it, it is very possible you never even thought of the concept of Era being succesful. Your chars are gone, b/c you thought they were gonna be gone anyway. It’s what WoW was always about, right?
2. Now that Era’s community has succeeded in its efforts, and almost 2 years later, there is a sudden stress as to get your chars back in, even thought this is no longer possible.
3. It is important to understand that the fact Era is thriving is a combination of a great (although scuffed in the beginning) idea by Blizzard, and a hardcore and great Era community. To even create a level 1 today in Era is a privilege we have earned the hard way.
4. If you want to enjoy Era for what it is, it is better to start embracing our philosophy. Instead of asking ALL THE TIME “what can Blizzard do for me”, ask “what can I do for Era”. This why you can jump in and help nurture the by far best WoW version there is.

The sooner the last point is understoof the better. Era is going nowhere and going to establish itself as the forever Classic WoW Hub. Everyday we are bigger. Everyday we are better. 11-12 WSG running yesterday… say what? The sooner you start contributing, the sooner you’ll join the party.


Yes, I add my voice to your voice, and I opened more than one ticket in this regard. I do not know what is the wisdom of closing it. I hope that Blizzard management will understand and return Clone Service to the shopping list, and we have many characters there.


It didn’t do “damage” it completely killed vanilla era servers. In our defense, nobody thought that the future of classic would be simple re release all expansions into cataclysm, with little to no changes and even the ones that happened have been very controversial. I’m not keeping up with wrath but i heard they are buffing classes retail style now making them more omogeneus

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If it completely killed us, how is it we are still here? A statement like that takes away everything we have done mate.

To give you exact dates, Era had a very dwindling population for all of TBC’s P1, which ran until 15.09.2021 - Free transfers to the Firemaw cluster opened on the 21.09.2021 and people started flocking into Firemaw, which quickly built up a community that was able to down Naxx weekly and start opening BGs. Bear in mind, TBC released in June 2021, so those were exactly 3 months of the hardest of hard times.

Fast forward, on the 2nd of April of 2022, the Era community opened its first Alterac Valley game, which has never stopped on its dedicated weekends ever since (now we have 7+ concurrent on a given weekend day). Of course we continued raiding, and putting out the word we were here.

So if it had completely killed us, we would not be here. There would not be a cry to get chars back. There would be no Era concept, like at all.

We made it happen.

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Thanks for voicing your opinion brother. All we can do is hope. Losing thousands of /played hours because we did not log in for some time due to real life obligations without getting any mail notification is just not fair. Never cared for expansions anyway, only payed my subscription to enjoy vanilla and nothing else.


“Some time” is more than a year. I would call it long time.

I’m sure it was the whole of TBC Classic being active.

Time is relative.
Your subjective opinion is that it is long and it is respectable.
Other players have different subjective opinion and it is also respectable.

Poor handling of communication through e-mails is objective and seems like it is the main reason that the topic is widely discussed and popular. Which is actually positive because constructive critisism is a basic prerequisite for improvement. So people that actually care for the healthy future of decisions communication will take part expressing their opinions.

Whatever the outcome of the conversation will be this is a forum and we like it or not some topics will be discussed, and as long as they attract interest threads will be kept active. Considering the number of threads and replies about this thread in eu and na forums this is a topic that interests a noticeable amount of subscribers. Opinions differ but the topic is popular.


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