Buff Holy Priest

We really need a buff. We are the HEALER with big H. And yet we are the trash of the expansion. In BFA at least we were decent despite limited by raids.

Holy is not doing well on warcraft logs. Many people will judge holy just on that metric. Its not a judgement that holy can still do the PvE content in question.

Divine image is not better than FC for output dude. You claim to know so much due to the sims you run, but take it from people who actually do the content. Stop spreading false information. FC is by far our strongest lego, only losing out to HA in certain fights.

People have been coming up with interesting theories with the shadow word pain heal lego once that gets buffed, but as it stands, you can’t run DI and expect to be half as consistent and powerful as when you run FC


Sims the same in mythic+ but lower in raids. What can I say.

same gear.
Divine image as head 225
4,622 HPS
7,504 HPS

FC as waist. 225 Head item decent 213 ilvl.
4,605 HPS
7,317 HPS

Thus both divine image and FC sim equal in mythic+ but FC reduces raid healing by small amount. Thus divine image is a better balance. It helps more in general. Thus a good place holder until I get more memories.

This is a reasonable level of meeting burden of proof for an opinion. Logs show mythic+ favors AoE healing massively. My last comment on the subject. This has all been argued out in to previous threads.

You do know none of that makes any sense, as it is completely dependant on the fight, right?

Go into sunking with DI and you wouldn’t even be able to output 1/3 of the hps I can with FC.

You literally always crawl back to these sims you talk about, despite it making no sense to do it.

FC is still incredibly potent in raids, so far in the 4 cleared mythic bosses I have done, I have kept FC on due to it’s sheer healing output. In such a competitive environment, having something as unreliable as DI is just never going to beat out on something you have 100% control of.

From all the conversations you’ve had on these forums with priests that are clearly doing harder content than you, I know it is futile to engage in any conversation that relays just how dumb looking at healing sims is, so I don’t expect a response from you that finally acknowledges just how stupid healing sims are.

I tell you what though, since you think raid finder is also a great place to determine realistic output, how about I drop my ilvl to yours, you go in with your build, I’ll go in with mine, and we just have a good old fashion heal off in a completely unpredictable environment (since you think that is a good metric to base actual through put off of) and if you beat me I’ll get behind these ‘healing sims’ but if I beat you, you can’t bring that nonsense to these forums any more where you just spread false information to any new potential holy priests looking to pick up the spec.


Hey! Your logs don’t match the HPS your sims tell you, does this mean that WCLs is wrong??

Or is it possible that sims are not representative of anything but theoretical numbers where the sim doesn’t match any actual real encounter (including the raid group you are playing in?).

Sure looks like sims are a bad resource to use when you can use wow analyser that actually uses log data for real encounters that happened :thinking:

Sims are better than logs for this purpose. Its why people create them. Its meets burden of proof for an informed opinion.

Thus writing a ture opinion pieace as a reply would then have an inadequate level of proof to take presidence.

You would need hard proof. You cant priests doing harder content because you would need to prove that. Even if they did argee then that would be The Appeal to Popularity Fallacy.

Reguardless of what opinion pieace you write, the sim is a mathematical model and is not unreasonable proof.

Even if we faced off. The sample size is too low and human skill has an even bigger factor than what the difference between the gear would likely be. You could not determine a conclusion other than one person healed more or less. Its a waste of time. Its just like having an argument and asking someone for a fight. Its pointless.

Thus no true conclusion could be found. That is one of the main reason sims exist. To remove the human factor and other factors. So that you can have an outout that has statistical significance. Challenging me as you did, is sounds very desperate but I have no compulsion to accept.

Thats a strawman argument. No reason for me to reply.

Lol you are just something else. You literally saying that actual real life data of how actual real life humans perform is less accurate when it comes to judging what is best for us (humans) than a simulation that is just not possible to factor in the many situations created on the fly by us.

I would need hard proof that your sims aren’t as helpful as actual people’s logs… okay I mean go to the actual logs and look at how many people are playing based of what your sims tell you/ compared to what actually works. You really think that you are so far advanced on how to perform the best, that even the absolute top echelon of players are missing something you didn’t? Please get real Aellas.

Okay, well we’ll do the whole raid for 3 weeks and if you beat be on even one (literally ONE) fight, then you win. Surely you can rely on your sims enough to beat someone who refuses to follow your sims, just once… no?

Now insults and unconstructive posts. Clearly you have no evidence or you would substantiate your claims as a better method of attacking me. I could go all week, if this is all you have got.

Typical defensive response when you know deep down inside you have no argument against what I said, because what I said makes complete sesne.

If saying “you are something else” is such an insult to you, that you disregard the other 90% (or does your sims show that is is 96%) of the post just shows that you will grasp on to whatever you can to avoid the truth.

Best of luck with your grey parses my dude. I know I can rely on the other priests in this forum to come to the aid of anyone who asks for help and are met with your asinine responses.

Rhetoric over substance. Do you really have a position or are you just trying to harass me?

That part specifically was poor sarcasm actually.

My other points are valid though, can you say with 100% certainty that your spell usage/movement/blood lust/etc is going to match that sim or are you going to chose your spells to react to what is happening in your raid? Holy priest is still the most reactive healer.

People are not going to execute mechanics properly, you will have to move and bloodlust will be used to suit dps most encounters or on LFR be used when ever the shaman/mage remember they have it (to list some examples).

Other healers will have a wide range of performance and you may have to carry them or relax and chill cos some disc or resto shaman is going ham.

Your own spell usage does not match the “advice” you have given others in the past and I bet dont match your sim.

Sims mean very little to healers other than knowing that in a vacuum mastery is strongest closely followed by crit and vers. Haste is subjective. Some holy priests love it, some have it cos holy is offspec. But if you only have mastery you are losing value from other stats. Eventually you hit diminishing returns.

I have provided you with an alternative tool you can use over sims that does use real log data and your own personal log data at that.

Sims are far from accurate as is the tool I linked but at least is more relative to you and not an AI.


Still no substance… if you are so right why not prove it?

Well I won’t sit here and say I am the best priest in the world, but if you really want my position, maybe my rank 201 standing on sunking mythic which has over 12k parses shows that I know at least a little when it comes to holy priest healing… what about you? do you have a footing to stand on? any real evidences that your sims are actually worth considering?.. don’t worry, I’ll wait.

More non sense rhetoric. Please prove your position with evidence.

Imagine simming healing :smiley:
Its not like dps… u need heal at specific points… u cannot sim m+ as a healer, never ever. FC is consistent, u can heal when dmg comes in… but if u dont get a divine image procc, ur r not able to pump as much heal, so pls stop with ur sims :confused:

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Last time please prove your position.

ht tps://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/stormscale/inukio#difficulty=5&boss=2402&spec=Holy

There you go, evidence… now show your evidence that your sims work

Thats not proof thats an observation of one log. Clearly you have no idea how to prove something in a debate.