Buff X45 Heartbreaker MORE

This “buff” is not enough.
It’s been 10,5 hours now since the event went live on EU. 1,5 for US I believe.

I’ve been checking 3 Discords with active mount collectors as well as other folks for reported drops. One with 170k (SFD), one with 56k (Achievements), another with 18k members (LOTR).

Less than 10 Heartbreaker drops were reported in the last 10.5 hours.
3 were not from the first try. The others were.

10 drops is not a lot. It’s about the same as last year.

It’s clear that the first try does indeed have a higher chance. But this “significantly higher chance” seems to be buffing a 0.03% drop to a 0.1%. Maybe even less.

Since the event went live and we saw how little drops were being reported, I’ve talked with a few Heartbreaker farmers and they say that the farm feels 10x worse now because you’re basically doing the same thing as last year still, even though Blizzard ACKNOWLEDGED that slamming this event with all your alts for a 0.03% drop was NOT FUN.

This “buff” did not change that. We STILL have to slam this with all our alts now that we’re almost sure the 15 “increased” chances a year will not give us the mount.


  • All other Holiday mounts are around 1% Dropchance (HH and Brewfest Ram/Kodo)
  • Most other rare mounts are also around 1% or slightly lower.
  • The Pandaria World Bosses & Rukhmar had their mount drop chances changed to a much higher percentage, and this was extremely well received and many of us that farmed them for years finally obtained them all.
  • Some of us have farmed this for YEARS. This mount has been too rare for 15 years now. It’s about time it becomes obtainable without having to win the damn lottery.

Free us from this torment and buff it properly this time. I beg of you.


Big agree.


you`re not entitled to getting a mount just because you want it. You either get lucky or you do not. Simple as.


dont you have like 999 mounts? one more wont make a difference


Absolutely. I spend lots of time killing players in EBGs and Warmode so where’s my glad mount? Not my fault I was born with a lack of elite reflexes and teamwork skills.

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Feels good 0,1% then army alts, u have entered to many instances.

Good gameplay.


i’m agreeing with the buff on mounts, but the thing is: Your data is not covering All the playerbase. i believe more people got it on both servers not being part of discord servers to register this etc.

Oh I’m sure. Maybe a 100 have dropped!

But I’m comparing this to the same Discords, 1 / 2 years ago during the start of this event. It had the same amount of reports if not more. Which shows that this buff changed nothing, compared to previous years.


have we done this event fully tho? They sayd the buff is Daily, so maybe more will drop in the next days.

So a rare mount is dropping rarely? omg that’s awful must sue blizzard immediately /s

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Im comparing both to the first day.

If the changed daily drop chance was anything reasonable, we would’ve seen more drops.

So it’s still too low.

And I’m saying this early so we could still see another buff before the event ends and we have to wait ANOTHER year.


I think most peeps have missed this part in the blue post:

So every other effort after the first, has the same drop chance as before the fix.



Yeah, so it didn’t change the part Blizzard themselves said was unfun: Doing it on all your alts for a 0.03% drop chance.

We’re still doing that and nothing has changed ☆•°.

It has though. It’s just only once per day, per account.

So, a worthless change, with a still too low drop chance.

Basically no change at all.

Make it 1% each kill.


It feels like they’re using this joke of a increased drop rate to bait subscriptions. Even a 1/100 is pretty rare but I doubt they would necessarily want to completely ruin the prestige associated with this mount.


It will never be enough for some people.
Complain complain complain.


I get the frustration but at the same time, I like having a handfull of mounts super hard to obtain. I firmly believe that abundance would make things boring very quickly.

If you waste your life on farming low % chance mounts in a video game then you should rethink your goals - start doing something challenging in the game - one shotting old bosses or spamming ez dungeon finder 1 boss kill on multiple characters is a sign of OCD, not overcoming a challenge. Blizzard is aware of people like you and just milks your game time for this. I never bothered with these rare drops myself - it’s a literal waste of time in this game that is basically a waste of time but wasting time can have levels and there is nothing dumber than chasing 0,1% mounts LMAO

So, no - don’t buff the drop rate - I don’t have the mount and I don’t care. But if I could vote, I’d vote against buffing the drop rate. It’s pretty hilarious to think of “mount collectors” who run the same boss 50 times a day or more with multiple accounts just to get a mount they will never really use xD


A 1% drop is still rare enough.
Anything below 0.5% is unreasonable.
Anything below 0.1% is ridiculous.

There’s still plenty of other rare mounts in the game with very low drop chances. Take Timereaver or Urzul.

But atleast you can farm those way more often.
Heartbreaker is 15 days a year.
That, with such a low drop chance, is just plain stupid.