BUG/Problem: Char missing in my Armory

Hi Blizzard,
I can’t post in “https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/support/website-bug-report/18” due to no chars available… Therefore I write here.

My Problem concerns to WoW Classic Wotlk (not Retail).

My Level 80 Charakter “Brahim” on Classic-Live-Realm “Lakeshire” does not display in my Charakterlist in WoW-Classic Forum (therefore it will not be displayed in WCL properly). Only my Level 60 “Brahim” on classic Era-Server “Lakeshire” appears.

Are there any Problems with Classic Era vs. Classic-Live-Realm Problems when Charaktername and Servername are equal?

I’d like to have my maincharacter in the character armory.

Thanks in advance


This is Classic Era forums, not WotLK as your problem concerns. And Blizzard does not reading these forums, especially not concerning bugs.

You are correct that bug posts are to be made on US forums. To post there, create a lvl 10 character on a trial account.

Also, have you tried to log out and log in again on the Forums? There are some problems loading characters, it could solve your problem. At least worth a try.

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You have a character on the Era realms with the same name and on the same server for Wrath. That will Block it.

Era realms take priority, I have the same problem with my Wrath version of Dottie, which is why I post on this Retail one.

Blizzard are aware of it and are supposed to be fixing it, it will be a problem for anyone that cloned their character too.

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Hi Dottie,

thanks a lot for your response. Glad to hear, that it is an already known problem and Blizzard is working on it.

On the other handside sadly, that you did not get a solution from Blizzard in your specifiy threat, yet. (Thanks to ask again in your threat for a response)

Hope they will fix it soon. I will also create a new ticket / threat or something like that, to let Blizzard know.
If I hear anything, I will let you know.

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