Building in Azeroth: A First Look at Housing

That is kind of rich coming from you. But ok.

You have repeatedly made excuses for the faults others have found with the proposed housing system.

I’m not telling anyone how they should feel. On the contrary, I’m saying be vocal express what you do and don’t like.

I do not like, I have expressed, I do not accept the things you accept because I am not happy with them. Twist that into whatever statement you see fit. I am not happy with their proposal and have given feedback and agreed with others, that have similar sentiments.

Some things we purely don’t know yet but based on the information we have been given and taking it on face value. I don’t want a neighbourhood, private or otherwise.

I really don’t care if you like it, it’s great if you like it, or don’t like it but are going to accept it as is. If that is your feed back that’s fine.

One thing i started thinking and I would enjoy is “leveling up” your home/building.

Like the mage tower in the Alliance Garrison, where at first is a big tent and in the end a full tower.

It will fulfill the fantasy for a fresh carather where first you can afford an humble Log/hut and in the end you have you small keep.

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Yes that would be fun, do some tasks that increase ones housing level or something and able add things to it. They could build entire system for it aswell to do things for it.

That is all completely fine.

What annoyed me was you telling me how I feel about something, after I literally told you I am not happy.

I just choose to approach this in a different way than you.
I’m looking for things I do like or can live with.

Because from my experience with Blizzard: They are not going to change their stance (not unless there’s a HUGE general outcry - and there isn’t).

There might be some small changes down the line. Or, best case scenario: They are going to say several years down the line: We’ve been hearing you and so we’re making ‘this and this’ change.

I am saving myself the frustration and taking it as it comes.

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This is the only thing I’ve seen since wolk that looks good. Don’t suppose this is coming to SoD? :eyes:

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More than task, maybe just gold.

I have read that there is no upkeep fee, but the aquisition was not perfecfly clear in the post.

Not keen on gold dumps as Im buying enough tokens already this expansion, I like things to do though. Some stuff to level some aspects in the past used to be like “deliver this document to mr nönnönnöö” type of things for appearances sake. It wouldnt have to be too hard or time consuming but something to do.

Could even tie something to the content in the game, delves/m+/pvp unlock something they set from there to gain crossed swords with a shield decoration top of your fireplace or boars head, decoration things and customization etc. Only imagination is the limit with this literally. Most boring option would be to just buy something, then Im not really playing the game Im just buying it and its done and over and didnt add much.

You make people do something to gain it, and it imprints memorable connection to it when they look it, I have it on every class hall thing and I remember every class hall quest we had to go play assassin in stormwind keep and the like and I connect these with the mounts and titles and tmogs I have as the end results, if I just bought them with gold or money it wouldnt be same.

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I think that’s the “progressing” part they allude to in the article.

Again, it leans into the design from The Garrison where you had Blueprints that would upgrade the buildings from level 1 to 2 and 3.
Blizzard’s artists would basically just make a House, a bigger House, and the Biggest House.

I can’t really imagine that Blizzard will give players 3D tools to create their own models and structures and such, as in certain other games.
I think they’ll err a lot more toward them making the options, and players choosing which ones they want to use. And that’s how you customize Housing in WoW.
And then the progression part is to unlock more options to choose from, and better options. So the player might unlock an orangery or porch that they can position and adjust and tweak to their own liking.

In that sense it also compliments WoW’s core gameplay, which is not social roleplaying and self-expression, but objective-driven pursuits through gameplay action. We grind stuff in WoW, we don’t make it ourselves! :crazy_face:

I’d be surprised if players are given a version of the WoW editor with 3D modeling capabilities that Blizzard just lets players use to any degree.
Blizzard have never seemed to want any user-created content in WoW, and I don’t think Housing is them changing their mind on that.

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Would be fun if they scattered different type of things in the game to unlock for decoration and trophies, say delves/m+/pvp and as we would finish some set task or unlock achievement etc we would gain access to put something inside the house as memory of it like trophies like were seen in the trailer of player housing.

The trailer shows a Human Warrior walking into a home adorned with various cosmetics, gear, toys, and trophies. The head of Onyxia takes up a large portion of the wall as a trophy. Players may be able to show their mastery over different raid bosses and challenges by collecting trophies that can be placed in housing.


Oh that’s 100% certain. That’s happening. I would go so far as to say that Blizzard’s interest in Housing is not with the Housing itself, but all the decorations that can act as new enticing rewards, because they desperately need some new bling to hand out (and sell) to players that already have hundreds of mounts and pets.

So that’s definitely happening.

And as I said, it leans into the player mentality and gameplay approach of WoW. We do objectives and pursue various goals to earn rewards.

Like rats in a skinner box - and none of us would have it any other way or we would already be playing something else. And Blizzard seems to know that by now.


Im looking forward on unlocking stuff in pvp and decorating my house with them and I do hope they keep it as this that they are really unlocked by doing something in the game and not just bought :smiley:

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Many years ago i played Ultima Online. Here you could buy a house all the way up to a castle.
You could lock down things so they couldnt be stolen.
You could have chests with loot.
You could ban people from your house - I ban thee -
I had 2 towers next to each other.
(2 accounts)
They destroyed the fun by destroying what you have created and invested in building up.
made your chars be worth nothing without a lot of gadgets.
so i left started playinf WOW on an account i cant reach now.
had to create a new in 2023.

Here will be Bilzzard’s take on it - you build your house, BUT for every day you don’t log in, it starts deteriorating(as nature does) - then you either have to go to the store to buy the basics or you face a massive grind for the raw materials

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If you want a house, you can have a house. No exorbitant requirements or high purchase costs, no lotteries, and no onerous upkeep (and if your subscription lapses, don’t worry, your house doesn’t get repossessed!).

All excellent things. But so obviously aimed at FFXIV that is lacks a bit of elegance! Especially being ten years late, and having spent these fighting your own community to convince us that no, we did not in fact want housing, and making it happen would be an unacceptable waste of Blizzard’s resources.

But still, that aside, the thing itself is exciting nonetheless!

I hadn’t fully registered that, you’re right, that does sound like they may want to do something more with it. I wonder if they are taking some inspiration from Palia somehow.

I’m not familiar with it. Anything good?

I haven’t played it but I read reviews from people who were very enthusiastic about it, and watched some gameplay because it sounded interesting, even if not my kind of game. A few ex-WoW devs were involved with its creation. Its main focus from what I gathered from it all is housing, community events, professions closely related to the housing system and everything around that and such. It’s not combat focused from what I could tell. Def worth a look if you’re interested, even if just for curiosity’s sake :wink:

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I though it will be something like

  1. In each capitol you will have access to the building
  2. You have style by accessing the building in the capitol
  3. Inviting the players will be done like was with Garrissons
    Also - how do I choose my neightbours?

I’m sticking with my garrison. It’s just mine. No neighbours. No annoying people trying to interact with me.

I’d be all for the idea if I could build it in a secluded area, alone.


In public neighbourhoods; you don’t.
In private ones; well… you either made it together with friends or guildies, so… Work it out. :slight_smile: Unless, like me, you don’t want any neignours. Make your private guild or community and get your own neighbourhood.

We’re not sure how that’ll work exactly, so we’ll have to wait for more detailed information.