Building in Azeroth: A First Look at Housing

Whereas I love this idea - I am terrified it will be like what Ultima Online did 25 years ago and on release day hundreds of existing (and temporarily returning) players will all log on to get a solo plot. The servers will crash and people will have a negative experience and be left with nowhere to place their house. I can’t see any detail on how placing will occur and it worries me. If this is done wrong I’m gone forever from the game I’ve played for 20 years.

After reading the article and the comments, I still have no idea how can it be done in practice correctly.

First, we speak of zones that were made 15 years ago at least, and they want to put toady’s system there, where this will interract with the terrain and the zone’s phases. I am not a programer, but it fells to me as you would put a Porsce motor into a Trabant.

The next thing that I am concerned with and nobody else seem to point out, is that the house plots take up physical place in the world, especially with this uncertain neighbour system. With that the original concept and immersion of the zone will be damaged and changed. And I m not a fan of that. Not to mention new characters levelling trought these zones, will they see the houses too?

There must be an option that switch off the houses on client side.

Neighbourhoods are instanced. So that shouldn’t be an issue.

?? What?
They explained they are making two new zones. Especially for housing.

No, as I said above: Neighbourhoods are instanced.


You are right, I didn’t read the article well enough, I missed the “inspired/based upon” part.


Also ich finde sie sollten wenn Blizzard so etwas wie Housing einführt und eigen bau nennt würd ich gern auch die Möglichkeit haben ein großes haus zu haben, vlt ein Villa in der Größe vom Garnison aus WoD^^ also möglich ist es wenn Manns schon Instanziert bekommt.

Andere Ideen hab ich auch!

  • mini Games in die räume ein bringen.
  • Kriegsmeute als NPCs im Anwesend Agieren…
  • Berufs Möglichkeiten Ausüben z.B Schmied Amboss oder Alchemie Chemie Labor.
  • Portale in einem Raum für Flexibles reisen
  • Pets im Haus oder neben dem Haus ein stall für Mounts

also so in die Richtung wird es hinauslaufen denk ich mal.

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Saying “People” implies everyone, and that’s not true. I like Horde Garrisons very much and would like my “House” to look like one. Also would like to have the content of the old garrison, but upgraded to the last expansion.

So, at least one member of the People, would like it to be a Garrison alike.


I think they have underestimated how many people just want a solo house.


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Omg I have to read? No video :open_mouth:

I wonder if the vast choice of racial decorations only concerns the interior of the house, or also its architecture.

Personally, I’m impatiently waiting for housing to create a roleplay space for my dwarf:

  • If I can’t live in a small stone dwarf house, but have to live in a human house, I will be disappointed.
  • On the other hand, I tell myself that it’s a blessing in disguise, because the day Blizzard adds neighbourhoods in other regions (like Dun Morogh for example), I’ll be extremely happy to find myself in a dwarven district, with only dwarven houses and no human, elven or draenic houses (which won’t stop those races from having their own stone houses here, with interior decorated according to their culture).

To sum up, Blizzard, I’m happy to wait in a neighbourhood that doesn’t reflect my character’s culture, if that means we can have a coherent neighbourhood the day you add regions (assuming it doesn’t take you 10 years to do it lol).


Many are interested in what the housing choices will be. I am hopeful that we’ll get more details on that in a future update.


And once you’ve done that, you need to read this thread too!

Oh yes! Although I’m not expecting much. I don’t want to set myself up for disappointment.

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Same, I’m expecting it to be Garrisons all over where they ignore the desire for race suitable options.

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So it looks like there will be around 5 types of housing set ups ?


  • Private instanced warband house per account.

Group Neighbourhoods:

  • Public (sharded or realms ?)
  • Selected Friend List
  • Selected Guild
  • Selected Community

I am guessing the initial location is mainly due to accessibility, easy reach from the hubs, so new players are included ?

Or maybe a chance to finally bulldoze disreputable Goldshire ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Futher speculation, but maybe the Capital cities areas are the only places safe from possible change ?

The elven cultures are a bit fragmented and isolated, but they wouldn’t be if some of the land masses started to join up. Although they would have to somehow avoid impacting the expansion stories.

The two categories in the article are public and private.

I divided it by group and non group, but would expect that Friend, Guild and Communities would be private within the particular group setting.

Yes the article covers that

  1. Public Neighborhoods, which the game servers are responsible for creating as needed and maintaining.
  2. Private Neighborhoods created by groups of friends or guilds to inhabit, progress, and customize together.