Building in Azeroth: A First Look at Housing

Wow used to be a fun game.

But it’s really been heading down a bad direction recently.

I may have read it wrong but as i understood it, the neighbourhoods/houses aren’t going to actually be in Elwynn, Duskwood or Westfall or Durotar/Azshara but in new zones that are inspired by them.

Two new player housing zones, one for alliance and one for horde with a phase of up to 50 players to create a neighbourhood that can be random, friends or guildies.

That, to me at least, sounds very similar to a suggestion that was made on the forums a few years ago for player housing that people seemed to like, albeit that suggestion used Gilneas but that was before it was reclaimed.

Also, it sounds like you can move house later if and when a more suitable aesthetic appears so once they give us Silvermoon inspired zones you can all make your houses there… (jk)

Of course, as an Orgrimmar elf I welcome Durotar themed neighbourhood for my house and am a little excited to see what player housing brings! My housewarming party is going to be the wildest, most rum filled party on AD!! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

So, forced to Human lands once again, here I was hoping for a nice and quiet house in Ashenvale or Feralas.


I haven’t been expecting much from blizzard, but they never seem to fail to disappoint. Instead of them really listening to the community they again take a good idea and mess up. I don’t think that anyone wanted garrisons 2.0 because that’s what this is. Forcing again just 2 zones with just human and orc aesthetic, in two places and we can imagine the lag spikes just like with garrisons. I don’t like these aesthetics nor the zones nor do I even play humans and orcs. Instead of giving player’s more choices, at least houses in racial starting zones with its aesthetics and then in other world zones, we get new garrisons with forced social aspects and we can imagine how that goes. All I wanted was a nice private house in Eversong Woods or Silvermoon for my blood eleves where I can chill out or afk. I don’t want neighbourhoods or neighbors or trolling and spam which these will turn into. A private zoning where we can invite friends to show off is what I personally prefer like many other people. As for shop items for housing, well that was expected. It’s blizzard after all. Best stuff will be there and recolor stuff in game. Now I don’t even want to try this version of housing, I already have a garrison wih orc aesthetics I hate.

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As a NE, just climb a tree (unless on fire of course) !

No, you read it correctly. I just don’ like the visual estetics of those zones. I find them bland and boring. I probably phrased poorly why I am not happy with it.

There is actually some flaws in your logic here, first of all: this really isn’t even close to “Garrison 2.0”, second: you want a solo house somewhere in the middle of nowhere, well that’s exactly what Garrisons was, and that was the thing that was wrong with Garrisons. And I really like that they’re focusing on 2 zones at the beginning and focusing on making it good for once, they don’t say that they will never add new housing zones, just that they begin with 2.

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Actually no. If you played WOD, you would know that the problem with garrisons was that it was made the main hub with mission table, mines even an auction house so you didn’t need to go anywhere else, and not that it was in the middle of nowhere. The layout was almost fixed, aesthetics too. Player housing should not be a main hub for quests, just a place to chill and somehow become an extension of you character and your tastes and something to do on downtime.

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Yes, those were part of the problem aswell, but the main problem with Garrisons was the main “anti-social vibes” that the Garrisons brought, the fact that you didn’t have to leave your Garrison except for raid nights, as for aesthetics, according to the post we’ll be able to customize our houses exactly to our liking, wherein Garrisons we where kinda restricted to certain buildings on certain plots etc., I think the the neighborhoods are good, because you can interact with other players (something that you couldn’t in Garrisons, because they were instanced). And “forced social aspects”, u know that u play an MMO right?

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You keep saying this in various threads. But never explaining what exactly you think the issues are. :person_shrugging:t4:

But anyway: Housing being added is not ‘a bad direction’ in general. You might not like it, but many, many people do.

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I have been very clear about what I think is a bad direction for the game.

Play housing is a big one.

Remember, we lost 2 raid tiers for this feature. What else are we going to lose out on for this.

Playing an MMO doesn’t always mean that everything should be social. And honestly, wow has grown more into a less social game a while back. Community has never been so toxic. Most people are playing wow almost solo. I have become totally casual solo player.
So yeah, maybe there should be options, people who prefer neighborhoods should have that option. People who don’t, should also have that option to have a house in the middle of nowhere as you say.


For certain players sure.
For players like me that wasn’t an issue at all. And with this housing we’re getting the choice how we want to approach it:

  • Personal and private. A solo experience.
  • Personal and social. A social, but a-la-carte experience.
  • Public and social.

So right off the bat housing doesn’t make the mistake that garrisons did.
Also of course there’s the BIG difference that housing won’t be a hub. It’ll be cosmetic only.

I think you are wrong.

No we didn’t. There’s a seperate team working on this feature.
Don’t start spreading lies.

We do have that option. You can make a neighbourhood only with a few friends. Or with a guild. Or with a community. So… Make a guild or community yourself and have a private neighbourhood. That’s what I’ll be doing. :smiling_face:

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I’ll be honest with you. The community is only toxic because everyone wants different things and have different expectations, and when players of opposing circumstances with different goals meet in game, that is when conflicts start.

WoW doesn’t help itself by trying to accommodate everyone. The game was fine before we had infinite scaling difficulty levels, and everyone was working at the same pace in linear progression.

Likewise, offering content like Player housing, will increase variation in playstyles and abilities and further create toxicity in the game.

Ion said that player housing would cost a Raid Tier to develop. Considering they have worked on it for 5 years or more, and we have lost 2 raid tiers over that time SL Season 4 and DF Season 4. This the evidence is pretty damning.

Tah, you’re going back on permanent ignore. I’m tired of you trolling every post I make. We don’t need to discuss my opinion. Let me just state it and leave. Then you can have your happy thread, where you can celebrate the death of WoW.

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I am not even into housing that much.Still…
I hope there will be a way to make gold with it(maybe a painting, I can sell on the AH or smth).
But for the love of God,why pick the ugliest zone as reference for the horde,that orange desert Durotar when you have amazing places like Eversong Woods?

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Yes he did. But that was before the team was made much bigger.

Lol. Sure dude. Sure.
But hey even if you are right (which you are not imo), it’s totally worth it.

I’m not trolling. I’m calling you out on your nonsense.
As I said in another thread: ‘WoW bad, changes bad’ is NOT good feedback. For anyone.


Agree to disagree.

I would really suggest to you to take a break from WoW. You seem terribly unhappy.


I personally think the “It would cost a raid tier”-line was just to fob off people asking for housing, not to be taken literally even at the time of writing.

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The sad thing is, I don’t really play WoW much anyway, or that often. Maybe 5 months over the year.

So it’s not really that I am looking at the game through fatigued eyes.

I’m looking at the game and thinking that the game isn’t really recognisable as the game I fell in love with, and it seems to be drifting further and further away from that.

I remember in BFA, trying to get my brother to return to the game I said to him “WoW is just the same game it always used to be”, and it really was back then.

Now in TWW, it really couldn’t be further away from what made the game really stand out.


Unless he comes out and says otherwise, it stands true.