Am not looking forward to this at all There will inevitably be some degree of forced participation and I cannot think of anything I’d rather be doing with my in-game time less than this.
There really shouldn’t. Just like you’re not forced to do pet battles or transmog your gear. Same thing.
If stuff drops that’s BoE, you could make money with this system though by selling it on the AH. But that part’s not been explained yet, so we’ll have to wait and see.
Plunderstorm? Classic?
Having many housing zones conflicts with the second pillar of designing a feature that is “Deeply Social.” In a world where players can live in many different zones, they become increasingly spread out and even with aggressive sharding, the chance of seeing other players, much less interacting with them, drops quickly.
So you may or may not get a better zone later but for now I’m stuck with the only choice being Orc vs Human. It will also not be a standalone plot somewhere peaceful and tranquil. It’s going to be a neighbourhood.
If you have your own private neighbourhood and only use one plot, it should feel ‘peaceful and tranquil’ I’d assume.
On the flip-side: I do hope that in the future they’ll do a more urban one. Where you really feel like being in a big city. Maybe a Boralus one.
They seem to indicate you can “move” house so I presume that means you can move neighbourhoods should things get awkward with a guild/friend group in a private neighbourhood. I doubt any one player will own rights to a single neighbourhood private or public.
Seems like a situation where common sense and maturity would be key.
Can’t wait for the system to grow so that I can set up shop in Argus.
That’s what i wonder about, wouldn’t one plot in a private neighbourhood just amount to one house in a huge empty space?
I’m a bit wary of Blizzard’s intention to make it a “Social feature”, players who don’t have direct business with each other (Professions, grouping) rarely interact in any meaningful way, why (and how) do they want to force it so much with housing?
In the case of a guild, I would think the guild leader is the actual ‘owner’. It’s 50 or so plots according to the article, so for big guilds choices will have to be made. To me it seems logical for that choice to be in the hands of the guild leader and maybe officers.
Yeah, remains to be seen. I hope that unused plots aren’t just empty spaces, but are filled with natural features until that plot is claimed.
Well i would say azshara houses / plots would be more humanized then the durotar counter part i do see what you are saying they should not have just designed the areas around two races it does not make sense to me either but im sure they will expand upon this hopefully sooner rather than later.
For example if you have a private house mabye you could put this house in a location of choice ?
You guys are never happy, with anything.
You feel that is offering the choice to you and that’s great. To me this announcement is disappointing and misses the mark. It is positive they are trying but for me they are heading in the wrong direction slightly.
To me it lacks choice for the reasons I’ve explained numerous times over this thread. You can feel differently and that’s fine but you can’t determine what others do or dont’ like.
- A massive 50 house plot alone, the worry is that it will feel barren. A solo space does not need to be the size of a 50 house plot. It just needs to be a solo house on some nice land in a suitable location.
- Orc Vs Human locations so far as a Belf I’m forced to go for the Alliance location because I do not want to live on a mish mash of desert/desert coast/Azshara themed location. Elwynn type area is far more appealling but obviously what I really want is Eversong.
- Guilds will have too few plots and will be selecting their 50 and friends will probably not fill the 50, and you’ll end up with empty housing as people go on breaks or stop playing.
- A solo location means there is no impact on anyone else and it can be in more locations because it’s not trying to force social cohesion. Some like social with others but others, like me just wanted their own sanctum. My Champion wants solitude and a place to retreat to after all that hard work for the Horde/Alliance. It also means it’s easier to respect what players actually want location and house style wise.
The positives I take from this are:-
- No land grab (beyond arguing about who gets what plot)
- No rent
- No losing your home being inactive
- Equal access for all
- Evergreen feature that will last more than one expansion
- Completely optional, so those that have no interest do not lose anything by not taking part
- Customise/decorate your own home
As I said above: I hope empty plots won’t be barren spaces, but be filled up with natural features when they’re not in use. That’d be the ideal solution imo. Because yes I agree; seeing a neighbourhood full of empty plots is not cool.
I don’t really see it as forcing, since from what I could read, actually visiting your house will be optional (it’s just there if you want to go there), I think that Blizz are thinking more of a way for random players to communicate and participate (for public) or for guilds or friends to have a place to hang (private). We should see it as possibilities instead of Blizz “forcing” us.
People like different things, so they will disagree. It happens.
Overal I’m pretty okay with what we know so far. But a lot of questions remain.
Until testing we just wont know or until they develop more but frankly I don’t need a massive zone to go solo. I just want my home and a nice garden/outdoor area.
So my feedback is no I don’t want this. I would prefer a solo plot option and give the multi plot option to people who want that social interaction with randoms/friends/guildies.
I want a suitable location for my main in suitable housing for my main.
At present even with a bunch of friends they are split over who would want to be in the Horde vs Alliance location. Some outright do not want to be with others at all.
I don’t need the lag of fifty houses loading either.
This is just me, my preferences, my wishes. They are under no obligation to care about what I want vs what their vision is. I just don’t think I’m alone in this thinking and that’s something they’ve not considered. Which is why I’m always a great advocate for give us the choice.
Others will love the proposal but they are asking for feedback and I’m giving mine
Sure, I’m all for that as well.
I have no interest in the social aspect that they want to push.
I’m just less bothered by the location than you. For me it’s more about the interior than anything else. Each to their own.
I hope we’ll get to test this stuff sooner rather than later.
And I hope that with this feedback, they will implement the option to choose how many slots a private neighborhood should contain, maybe that you can choose from 1-50 when you create it
That’s also good feedback!
That’s a nice idea, but if inactive plots are just filled in with natural features of that landscape, then it’s not necessary to add that choice.
If they’re barren; then yes, I’m all for that choice for sure!
I think you are missing something, with 50 plots you could make your very own puny paladin paradise complete with it’s own golf course…