Bukachu has joined AD

Yes, you said child grommers are more respectful than me, dont need to say twice.

Guy thinks im joking, I’m not.

I think I don’t have to continue. Out of all things everyone in this thread could be doing right now, you give attention to this person.

This is just another nelf poster in disguise.

Please just flag him ingame and move on. I will do that each time I see him.


So you still have some respect for the literal groomers over the ones who aren’t? Eep. Backwaaaaards.

What a surprise, the OOCer is actually a creeper and an ERP apologist too. Imagine my shock.


Looking from the top to bottom of this thread… From the very first response to the last. If this guy is a troll you have all taken the bait. Hook, line and sinker.
He announces that his arrived at the server and you all engage the thread with remarks and snidiness to an all out forum Pvp-battleground.

Just state why you think people outside of the rp community is a bad thing and leave it at that. If he and the others are trolls, Then engaging them like this is not going to change their minds. Don’t feed the trolls…

From another thread in the general chat. I’m going to leave this quote. Who actually made a very valid reasoning why non rp-ers joining the server can hurt the server beyond not just roleplaying them self.

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So why come to AD if we’re all like that then? Unless…


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You are aware what forums are made for right ?

To quote someone else for this thread:


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scroll up, show the world you are capable of performing basic human functions like readin and understanding, im sure even someone like you can do it :joy:
then you’ll get your answer.

You’re not going to address this are you?

Smells of sweat

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what do you want me to address exactly?

I suggest you take a shower groomer

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I think it would be really funny if Epoch dropped this guy now. If his attitude’s bad now, just wait until it comes time to hand out gear or choose who’s sitting in or sitting out…

Thought so.

Why do you heff to be mad

Feel free to whisper their leader. I am sure he/she appreciates this behavior of calling roleplayers bad names. :slight_smile:

Excuse you? :sob:


How badly were your feelings hurt ?