Bunny Ear Transmogs Year-Round?

She’s allowed to believe what she wants. Like you’re free to follow your faith. And I’m free to discard any faith, as I do. Provided nobody is being hurt ofcourse.

So they can view it however they likes to view it in that stance.

But how they chooses to believe, doesn’t take away from what it is. But it’s just best to accept their beliefs.

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The only message Blizzard are sending is “here are some fun things to have at this festive time of year”. That’s it. Many people who celebrate them in real life do so with zero religion attached, as time spent with loved ones. Not to give praise to a higher power.

Times change. While religious freedom is a thing, freedom from religion is also a thing. And I’d rather not be shackled in any way by another person’s religion…especially when it’s something to do with bunny ears, something that was not invented by any person at all.


No we’re suggesting that vanity items from Religious inspired events should be limited to their event.

Bunny ears are for life not just for Noblegarden!


I see no benefit to that to anyone except maybe someone like Ebenezer Scrooge.

WoW is already loosing transmog lovers to FF14 as it is


Kawaii cat boi/girl ears they are not :eyes:


Oh we definitely need cat ears too!!!


Yes, but what is the festive time of year? It’s Easter. So what is the message of Easter?

Whilst you may detach yourselves from the Stories of your Religion. I can assure you that every part of your life including your education, the Laws of the country you live in are all based on a culture that usually stems from a Religious text.

Just because you’re told a story of the easter bunny instead of the death and rising of Jesus, doesn’t mean that is not the origin of the story. The message is the same.

Each to their own I guess. I disagree.

If FF14 is better for that, then let FF14 be better for that. WoW is much better for other things. That’s the wonderful thing about having different games, they don’t have to all be the same.

WoW should concentrate on what its good at, and not try and copy other games.

You forgot the “this is fine” dog meme

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Please don’t make assumptions. I was not raised in any religion. No baptism, no communion, nothing of the sort.

Lol no you cannot.

The message is the same? Are you saying the bible states that Jesus brings us chocolate?


I didn’t say you were. Don’t jump to conclusions.

I’m talking about the wider society around you, not your immediate family.

How does your country treat murders? Does it punish them? or pat them on the back? If someone commits adultery does that give their partner grounds for divorce? Is your employer your fellow man, or are they your lord?

Every rule your country has set has come from the teachings of a religious text, even if they have been modernised over the years.

No. Judging by your responses in this thread, you’re taking a lot of comments at face value and jumping to conclusions.

The story of the Rabbit giving you chocolate eggs is just to get you excited about the festival and celebrations. But why do we have this celebration now? .

Even if your response is “Because I like getting chocolate”. The origins will always be there.

For the record, I have no religious affiliation. I just respect the role it plays in society

Dog ears head band!!!

There are just so many possiblities!


I’m starting to feel like you’re the fun police.


okey explain us why do we see bunnies and chocolate in noblegarden event, i’m waiting :smiley:

I’m not really sure what fun you’re talking about.

Rabbits and chocolate exist in other parts of the game…


yeah but why do we collect eggs in rabbit polymorph and why do eggs have chocolate in them ? what’s the inspiration behind this event

Guys I hate to say this but some of you need to read this:

No one owns rabbits or chocolate to the point that they can stop others from enjoying them.


I have never contested the origins of the event so I wonder why you’re asking me.

My problem lies with someone in this thread essentially saying that Christianity owns rabbit ears.

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We’re not saying they do.

We’re just stating the Nobel Garden is in the game as a way to celebrate Easter. But it’s presented the way it is to further detach itself from easter. But it’s still easter.