Bunny Ear Transmogs Year-Round?

I don’t have a problem with those who don’t. I don’t have any religious affiliation to anything myself.

I’m not saying you can’t celebrate Easter and not be religious, or even enjoy it as a completely different culture. I’m just saying that Easter gets its heritage from Christianity, that is something that will always be, whether you want to believe or not.

But how people from a completely different part of the world will view your association to it, will likely differ even more. They will see Easter first, and your personal beliefs after everything else.

Soon there will be Bunny Ears hat, which when the rest of the Transmog gets a little too close to something iconic, your entire transmog will resemble a fruit bowl.

Most of our raid team had one at one point. Was hilarious.

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No, you’re also saying we shouldn’t be able to use the bunny ears currently in the game because of Easter’s association with religion. For this entire thread you have literally been arguing that we should not be able to use them because of religion.

And I’m going to end my replies to you here. I am getting the distinct feeling that I am being trolled. And even if I’m not being trolled the fact remains that I am simply tired of debating with someone who dislikes seeing people have fun with something they would not wear.


Yes. Because of how they’re represented in the game and the purpose they serve.

You can choose to ignore that purpose, but it still exists.

You’re better off asking for new bunny ears. But then again, I think that looks tacky and isn’t the sort of image that WoW should pander to.

You’re not bring trolled. You’re just not open enough to understand what I’m trying to explain to you. I’m trying to show you the wider picture.

That is okay though. You are free to believe what you want to believe. You’re free to act the way you want to act. But a little consideration for other cultures, others feelings can go along way.

That is the reason why I think certain Holiday items are restricted. Which is actually why I entered this thread. To explain that, not to be the anti-fun police by any means.

There are many ways to have fun in WoW.

I wonder which culture that will be offended by Bunny ears :thinking:

Probably none that comes to mind.

Yeah, by having more transmog freedom


You’re disconnecting an Easter Reward from Easter.

There’s more than enough transmog options and cosmetics in the game. More end game activities which could even reward cosmetics is what would make the game more fun.

Don’t you just love when you find the perfect piece to complete your mog set and end up being unable to use it because it’s the wrong time of year?

WoW does many things better than FF, but here is where FF do better. In FF if you own the mog you can use it whenever you want. Simple as that. No needlessly uptight restrictions policing a purely cosmetic feature. And despite that restriction not being in the game you very rarely see things like an obviously Xmas themed outfit outside of winter. People just mix and match the individual pieces to make their own unique style. It’s fun! And it would be great in WoW too!

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But is there anything wrong with 2 different games having their strengths in different areas?
it sounds like bunny girls are common places in FF14, why does WoW need to drop to that level?

I could see that. Still, I would love to give my character a proper last name. Maybe one day…

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I tried to read some here but I cringed hard seeing someone make it about religion and culture over bunny ears in a video game…I can’t…


Even though I consider myself secular, I really do not see why events inspired by actual religions/traditions can be seen as harmful in the game.

The evil in the modern world is not some culture, it is the same thing it always was since the dawn of humanity. People who crave power and wealth who are willing to do anything for it. It will be the same no matter what region of the world concentrates the most power and wealth.
Once upon a time Europe was a place of primitive hunter/gatherers compared to the opulence of the Middle East of the Bronze age (and Egypt).


That’s not what Iam claiming here.

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I am glad to hear that I misread the posts above.
I am sometimes jumping the gun when I see certain patterns in such discussions on culture.

I take the same position with the bunny ears etc as I do with Xmas tree at home. Holiday events are special because they are events. Make them all year round and they’re just a normal part of daily life. OP is asking the devs to stop buny ears being an Easter thing.


One of the reasons i look forward to noblegarden, and the other holidays.

You do realise that christianity was merged with other holidays in some regions? Scandinavia celebrated midwinter long before christianity took over the celebration. Just like we celebrate midsummer. Midsummer was however not taken over by some christian event, unlike christmas.

A lot of the stuff done in relation to christmas, is remnants of the original celebrations, which christianity somewhat adopted while also adding their own.

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That does take away from where the roots are and why we celebrate them.

What are you trying to say here? The roots of the scandinavian christmas isn’t christianity. We don’t even call it by a christian name. We actually call it Jul. The original name of the midwinter celebration was Joul, if I remember correctly.

Cultures do change over centuries, but I get mildly upset when people speak as if a religion that has only existed for a few hundred years in a region is the origin of major traditions, when it clearly isn’t. With that said, christmas is celebrated differently in different countries for that very reason. Traditions from before e.g. christianity existed in a region has been merged to fit with christianity. It makes it easier for people to accept the new, if they don’t have to abandon all old.

Yes, I realise that.

But the Icons and Imagery still originates from the same story. It has just infiltrated into local traditions to

As you put it yourself.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not some super genius on this subject. But even I can see that Christmas in it’s commercial form is purely designed to spread a message.

Imagine you’re from a Culture far away, and you have your own strong beliefs and someone starts spamming Imagery from their own culture and saying you have to put up with this all year round, even though we only celebrate it for 12 days a year.

It only does if it is christian. A lot of the details in the scandinavian way of celebrating isn’t christian.

If you mean ingame imagery and icons then you need to be a bit more spesific.

I am by no means an expert on these things, but I do have a strong interest in culture and history.