Buying AotC boost, is it safe?

Says the guy who stalks Puny almost 24/7. :rofl: :rofl:


I am not sure people are well enough equipped to speak about the morals (or lack of such) considering boosting.

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honestly? i somehow found nice people both for 5 masks (!) and for aotc, so i got the achievements in time

yet… at one point, you ask yourself isn’t it more worth it to just farm the gold instead of bothering with guilds/pugs/etc that will take eons to “progress”… or for a pre-bis item from hf - in fact, i “boosted” myself with engineering to 480 head saving 2-3 weeks of m+…

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It’s the same every discussion tbh. I say something and they try to twist into something else. Another thread was about PvP and I merely stated I’d not personally gone and tested the scaling on beta and they proceeded to ‘mansplain’ scaling as if I’d said I didn’t understand the topic matter. It wasn’t even relevant, it was just another excuse to attack. :woman_shrugging:

I don’t like this kind of obesssive fandom.


Yeah how DARE people give their money in order to get something.
Capitalist scum. Gold should be used for REPAIRS and not for anything else!


And buying my overpriced potions.

Unless MB got to them first ofc. XOXOXO

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When someone buy boost he deserve to be scammed…


Which is why respectable boosting communities punish such boosters either with a warning or a strike or boost cut removal etc etc dependent on scenario. Or well, a flat out kick.


Your text is in green, it makes people angry somehow. Ask Blizzard to make it pink or something and you should be safe.


It needs to be a nice soothing pink! Or rainbow coloured.


It is getting out of hand now tbh and its very unfair how he speaks of you there is no need for it and it is harrasement plain and simple.

Yea, we did that too. We had a discord channel dedicated for punishments of boosters, it was hilarious to see it grow.


Ye, i think every community has this channel to be fair. Also serves as a reminder “behave boys” and well also fun to read for what people get striked.


Seems I can’t spell today :rofl:

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It comes with the “green turf” pretty much. Been in retail long enough.
A customer comes complaining and saying what he thinks about you and your mother. Yet you can’t say anything in defense cause the manager is watching the video feed and will fire you for being “rude towards” a customer. So you just nod your head and smile like some clown. :smiley:

You are job is even worse than community managers. You don’t get paid for this, yet some people believe that you are blizzard’s “customer service face”. And the resulting treatment with it…


I have a few friends who work in retail, people can indeed be utterly unreasonable. Good point.


Which is precisely why i would never want that MVP label. Imagine me being polite 24/7 instead of grumpy and rude? /vomit

Couldnt stand it.


Exactly. What’s the point in using the forums if you can’t be rude to people who are in the wrong!?!?


i love you for that :slight_smile:

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I know right?!?!