Campaign finales... (spoilers if you have not played them yet!)

Well. I will say that I did enjoy playing through them, but I will also say I am a bit disappointed as in; I would have expected Temple of Loyalty and/or House of Rituals, at least, to serve as the next patch raid content, with Lysonia and KT serving as the tier bosses, but it seems we wrapped it up with them already, at least “locally”.

So wonder who they are going to be putting into the future raids. And where they will be.

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I have no idea who the end boss of Ardenwealds was meant to be. It was a Drust witch, and I have no idea if we’ve met her before - but damn, it sucks that every other covenant gets to fight established lore villains and Ardenweald gets a Waycrest Manor reject.


At least KT was swept away to the Maw to stand at the jailers side, i guess he’ll be a boss in the Maw-raid. Not sure how Lysania ended.

Well, “dead” in Shadowlands does seem to have a bit of trouble finding meaning, for all we know she might now just be a blob of anima, or she’s going to be yoinked down to Torghast too…

So the main antagonists and final threat of the Ardenweald campaign are the Drust, right? Then I predict that Jaina will play a major role in a future Drust raid set in Ardenweald. Jaina and the Drust have a score to settle. Don’t forget that 1/3 of Kul Tiras was ravaged by the foul Drust sorcery in BfA.

I expect Lucille Waycrest to show up too.


Ardenweald story was split on 3 not related stories, and only the Drusts story is ended. Still no info will we manage to rescue Tyrande, and trolls Loa story also was not fully finished.

Basically Night Fae campaign has no final. Its still in progress, but that progress is on hold for now.


Shadra and Vol’jin and Hireek might all return to Azeroth and usher in a new age for all Trollkind. Damm I miss Vol’jin mon.

An Ardenweald raid is a given anyway, since the Winter Queen mentioned that the Great Tree is the only thing keeping the Jailer confined within the Maw. The Jailer will no doubt send his strongest servants to attack the Great Tree and destroy it -> Cue the Ardenweald raid.

Since the Drust are pretty much everywhere in Ardenweald, expect them to make a grand return for that raid.

I have mixed feelings about the chapters too.

Venthyr and Necrolords were definitely the most interesting ones to me; cool to work with the other covenant and with a consistent story.
On the other hand those two story lines where also the “laziest” ones, since they were more or less the same for both covenants (Necrolord a little more, since they shared the first chapters with the Kyrian); but at least with the little extras “Kael’thas” for Venthyr and “collect the primus’ equip” for Necro.

Bastion would be next. Started off well, with the collectiing of the enhancements from the other covenants… but the Maw & Uther & Lysonia part was simply too rushed. Uther’s change of mind came too fast and to simply blame everything on Devos manipulating him to think of vengeance as justice is quite weak. Wasn’t he the one who convinced Devos that something is wrong and the reason she started to ask questions? Why would she be the reason for his behaviour?

Ardenweald… well, the chapters themselves were okay, but I seriously missed a common thread through the whole campaign; jumping from Tyrande to Bwonsamdi to the Drust and repeat. Especially the Tyrande chapters have to feel strange from Horde perspective, as did the Bwonsamdi ones from Alliance perspective… and the Drust, so many questions. I still don’t understand why they are even in Ardenweald and why they are so powerful, that they can easily corrupt the fae… but on the other hand their leader get’s crushed easily in the last chapter.

All three (Necro, Kyrian, Night Fae) additionally have the same problem in my eyes; they quickly kill off characters we only just started to know and who had a lot of potential: Kel’Thuzad, Lysonia, Ara’lon… although - as pointed out - at least Kel isn’t completely gone yet.
But seriously, my poor little rogue feels horrible now after accidentially killing Ara’lon… and the event only gets one short comment by Moonberry. :_(

I was invested in the Night Fae finale, the search for answers to save Tyrande was the most compelling. The quests around the Loa and Bwonsamdi were pretty decent, especially when Vol’jin got involved. The Drust part was beyond silly, everyone gets to battle or aid legendary lore characters and we got a nobody.
The campaign in Ardenweald is inconclusive, which is disappointing.

The Night Fae consistently gave tragedy junkies their weekly fix. I mostly found that comical, but there does seem to be an audience for it.

The necrolord campaign felt very much Warcrafty. A bit of spywork here, some preparing and using deus ex machinas against armies there, and getting some nonsense about war and honor in between. I actually liked it quite a bit. I feel like Vyrax should have been their finale, though. That was a much more personal story-thread, and they just left it dangling in favour of chasing Kel’thuzad, without really highlighting any old enmities with him. For the Venthyr they made the Kel-thing a bit personal with all the Kael-drama. For the Necros they didn’t use the lordaeronian they had to m,irror that, so it felt a bit lame.

The Venthyr campaign lost its momentum with Denathrius’ canon death. He was the big baddie for them, everything else felt like mopping up. No wonder they shared the Necrolord finale, their own was kinda stolen by the raid. With Kael’thas it became more comical than anything else…

The Kyrian story was just… well, mostly bland, as was to be expected. It peaked in its first chapter, where we were very personally confronted with the idea of ferrying people into the Maw… but they didn’t really do anything with it afterwards. Getting to work with the other covenants was nice, but… well, still bland. And the Forsworn story was swallower than a saucer, not really dealing with any of the philosophical issues they brought up.

I’d rate kyrian the weakest, but I actually feel like all of them exceeded my expectations. They were all okay for me. Of course, none of them were really great, either, but my expectations were based on the mostly bad to mediocre class campaigns, and the totally useless early BfA war campaigns. So with that in mind, I feel this is an improvement.

Regarding the guys they axed… well, I can’t say I have a problem with that. It’s not like Ara’lon or Lysonia would have had much of a role outside of their covenants anyways, so with the story probably moving on from the given zones in the next patches, I don’t really think we’re missing anything by seeing their stories end, or by Kel’thuzad’s promotion to a Maw boss.

would have been cooler if they brought gorak tul back tbh.

There will be more to it in Night Fae.

I feel the same, but for different reasons.

Vyraz was a relatively new character whose only relevance came from the ties he had with the centrepiece of the Maldraxxus main cast.
He was the perfect candidate for the finale of initial campaign that featured in the first expansions patch, because even if he lacked the solidness and relevance of a much grander antagonist, we still felt him as a relevant agent to act against, and a regional threat to the covenant that only a necrolord would want to deal with.

Vyraz was basically what Azuka Bladefury was in WoD.

I’d honestly would’ve saved Kelthuzad for further plots.

Hm, I’m a little confused there, I was under the impression, that Danathrius is still alive during in the chapter finale - since he spoke to Ranathal through the medallion. Just because Kael’thas was safed from the castle earlier, that doesn’t automatically means that the “end boss” of the raid was already killed by that time lore wise, right?

Oh, he will plot further. I mean, the Jailer merely “called him to his side”, not like he’s going to be reduced into a blob of writhing anima.

Just the usual Blizzard way of keeping a character around just in case, really …

But why? We already defeated him like 3 times in BfA.

Well yes, he is still alive. And in a sword. But the campaign quests are quite clear on his defeat.

Cloaked Figure says: The death of the Master–
The Tithelord says: The Master’s removal changes nothing.
The Tithelord says: Tell Lady Ouix’Ara that I am still in charge and–

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Ah, right, I completely forgot about that scene. Thank you!

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