The Night Fae consistently gave tragedy junkies their weekly fix. I mostly found that comical, but there does seem to be an audience for it.
The necrolord campaign felt very much Warcrafty. A bit of spywork here, some preparing and using deus ex machinas against armies there, and getting some nonsense about war and honor in between. I actually liked it quite a bit. I feel like Vyrax should have been their finale, though. That was a much more personal story-thread, and they just left it dangling in favour of chasing Kel’thuzad, without really highlighting any old enmities with him. For the Venthyr they made the Kel-thing a bit personal with all the Kael-drama. For the Necros they didn’t use the lordaeronian they had to m,irror that, so it felt a bit lame.
The Venthyr campaign lost its momentum with Denathrius’ canon death. He was the big baddie for them, everything else felt like mopping up. No wonder they shared the Necrolord finale, their own was kinda stolen by the raid. With Kael’thas it became more comical than anything else…
The Kyrian story was just… well, mostly bland, as was to be expected. It peaked in its first chapter, where we were very personally confronted with the idea of ferrying people into the Maw… but they didn’t really do anything with it afterwards. Getting to work with the other covenants was nice, but… well, still bland. And the Forsworn story was swallower than a saucer, not really dealing with any of the philosophical issues they brought up.
I’d rate kyrian the weakest, but I actually feel like all of them exceeded my expectations. They were all okay for me. Of course, none of them were really great, either, but my expectations were based on the mostly bad to mediocre class campaigns, and the totally useless early BfA war campaigns. So with that in mind, I feel this is an improvement.
Regarding the guys they axed… well, I can’t say I have a problem with that. It’s not like Ara’lon or Lysonia would have had much of a role outside of their covenants anyways, so with the story probably moving on from the given zones in the next patches, I don’t really think we’re missing anything by seeing their stories end, or by Kel’thuzad’s promotion to a Maw boss.