Can’t cope with the Warband Character select

Would be nice if I could actually change the stance of my characters in my warband. Currently I cant see any of my transmog I spent years collecting because they are in combat emote or sitting down.

This. 1000x this.

Not going to lie this is actually a valid concern, I ended up having to scrap a lot of my alts because the menu was just down right painful to work/look at.

I don’t understand why they didn’t have drop down menus for the realms those characters are on.

For example I have we will say 20 characters on argent dawn → Drop down menu for Realm Argent dawn

I have 10 on draenor → Drop down menu for draenor

Instead they’ve been clustered together to the point its not even enjoyable to look at, I get its early and they may change it in the future but its also really sad I’ll never see the old backgrounds from race specific locations.

That really bummed me out because you genuinely don’t realise what you’re losing until its gone if anything they should have used the old race locations and expanded them into warband hubs instead of making a generic forest one so that they were actually something you could choose but also still giving you the feeling of the old character selection background screen.

You can still reorder the characters, that’s what I did yesterday after having my setup similar to you.

All horde Tarren Mill, all Alliance Ravencrest.

Now that I’ve reordered them, it’s alright and you can also search in the bar at the top of needed.

Did that yesterday.

Then they reset today.

I’ve also taken all characters out of favourite and minimised the favourite boxes but they come back every single effin time you go to the select screen

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yea this whole warbands sounded so good but looking at it it’s a mess it’s ugly it looks stupid my character selection is a jumbled mess fairly sure a private server could have done this better like where is the blizzard polish gone ? just awfully unpleasant to look at i mean they dont even do anything but sit there or go into combat stance ! they are in a camp !!! do camp stuff !! (no no that kind of camp stuff… ffs)

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I think you have too many characters, but i understand.
You could just delete the ones you don’t use though, cause there is no possible way you are actively playing them all.
Remember, deleted characters can be recovered if you ever change your mind.

I have the same feeling, its a bit to big of a list.
Already sorted them out, per server and faction.
Would be nice to see a preset search/filter, to only show server x, or faction toons.
Also not a fan of removing my favorites from the list, just leave them there, it screws up my order.

Oh but there is…


Not sure if it’s a bug or what, but I can see all characters, even on servers with different languages.
And when trying to login onto character on different language server, instantly getting disconnected to the WoW login screen.

So yeah, new system is kinda messy.
Either limit characters to which I can actually login, or make it so I can login onto any character without changing game language and re-launching the game, please.

Really feel like they should of designed this with alot more flexibility in mind.

Customisable tabs, hide tabs maybe. Flexible character amounts in the warband. Being fixed at 4 and if you dont use it at all it automatically opens up as empty when you log in, just feels very forced.

Makes me think its some sort of push for a console menu maybe.

No customisable backgrounds on release also feels half cooked. I feel like the logical stepping stone should of been custom log in screen for each of the characters before this whole strange system thats been added as a part of things being account wide… did we really need it though.

Also I never really imagined my characters going camping together or even being friends.

Also give my four taurens some space.

I’ve created level one charas to split my different groups of normal characters; one can even name them according to the group following below.

Would also be nice if we could form several groups of four (and why only four?) characters with several campfire screens; feels weird that more characters than the fist four are locked to the old select screens.

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I logged in for the first time in a while today and I was absolutely appalled at the state of the character selection screen.

A cosy little campfire scene is not worth the massive hit to readability, nor does it really scream “this is your unique warband that you can customise” when it’s the same scene for everyone. I don’t hate the concept, but it comes at a cost to UX which it’s not remotely worth.

I am entirely onboard with OP. Please, for pity’s sake let us at least have the old realm list as an option!

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Wow, you lot don’t half moan about something that’s really not an issue. Stick your current main in one of the four favourite slots and then just stop worrying about it.

New char screen is fine. I really like it. I have quite a few alts but who the hell is switching between more than four at a time enough to worry about it.

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This is the reason I am here on the forums, I am never here otherwise. I’ve played wow since 2007 and almost NEVER posted on forums. This is driving me insane, I also removed all 4 favs and minimized the window BUT IT ALWAYS MAXIMIZES ITSELF WHENEVER I VIEW THE CHARACTER SELECTION SCREEN AGAIN!!! If I minimize it, then stay minimized damnit!!! Taking up wayyyy to much space!


Just pretend you’re Microsoft and you’ve just acquired Activision-Blizzard.

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Just found this on Youtube! its exactly what I would of wanted instead of the warband screen.


This is so much better.

For a Blood Elf, you could have Tranquillien (Ghostlands), Silvermoon, Netherstorm or Shattrath…I don’t like this “all being cozy around the campfire.” I feel like someone is going to start playing Spongebob’s “Campfire Song Song.”


Banking space.

Change for change sake - must be good if it’s new - seen this a lot with IT over the years.

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