Can we get FREE migration from Draenor please

I’m so over the queues though. 13 hour day today and I get home 9pm feeling tired but could play an hour.

Nah, 2 hour queue.

Sod that. I’m off to bed.


Yes, why would any one want to play a server with other people in an MMO?
Why would you want a healthy economy or a selection of guilds?
You guys know what the letters MMO stand for?


Don’t get me wrong, I agree they need to offer people a way off the server.

However you would have to be funneled into the low pop realm if they did.

If they let you guys transfer onto ragnaros or tarren mill you will replicate the problem on a different server.

Draenor imho doesn’t need transfers it needs to just Be split into 2 servers.

Just make a second server and enforce half the pop onto it. (Ofcourse ensure guilds are moved to the same realm)

You mean you want to play with actual players ? According to the paladin you should be on a dead server and be happy about it because then at least you dont get queues and if you dont want that it’s your fault

No. You are factually wrong.

It’s blizzards job to ensure players are aware of any problems with their product before it’s purchase.

Blizzard should not have to restrict and inhibit players to specific fashions.

I am management in a enviroment where I sell products and honestly this is their only liability. They must state everything wrong with the product.

When you go to move to draenor the game tells you

“This is a full server, during peak times you may suffer instability and longer queues”

This is the disclaimer. Once you okay this message, you agree to taking the product with its faults…

Stop acting like draenor was the only choice. It’s the only choice because players killed every other server in order to be on that server

Telling blizzard they should be your daddy and say No is just childish.

Yes a solution to draenor should be found. But no, letting you guys just bundle other high pop servers doesn’t fix your problem just causes your problem on more players.

And you don’t need to be on dead realms.

Tarrren mill and ragnaros are both high pop realms and have never had any instability.

Then it might be time to update the hardware.

You want them to expand their servers only 4 of the servers for 1 week per 2 years…

Litterally businesses would go bust doing that, that is dumb AF for any person to consider.

You fit your product to it’s average not on its inconsistency.

No split draenor in half and force the population to devide between the 2. It fixs draenors problems without letting you destroy other realms.

So what you’re saying is that it’s okay for it to be the norm to have a 6 hours queue to log in on peak times , gotcha

No I’m saying there’s better fixs to the problem

Splitting the server in 2 and deviding the population by 2 would remove the queues

The alliance population of Draenor which I’m part of is already only 5k agaisnt 120000 hordes and you want to split that in two as well ?

It’s not hard to push the 100% alliance population onto one of the servers

They could controll it to enforce your all on one realm together

Just leave the alliance where they are, then take 52% of the horde players and put them on a new realm it’s easy

And then the other server will be 100% horde players ? That looks wrong.

Tarren mill and ragnaros are all horde

And draenor is all horde you think your 5k playerbase of mostly horde Alts actually means draenor isn’t 100% horde?

For all intent and purposes I didn’t even know draenor had alliance players before meeting retributor.

You to the widest audience don’t exist as a community. No one knows draenor for its alliance activity.

I mean SW was packed on launch night and thank god for CRZ it’s still packed even now so I cant complain , at this point servers dont matter much anyway so for all I care give people free server changes on Draenor and Kazzak

Free changes would allow you to bundle servers like outland and tarren mill and replicate the queues and instability to those servers.

Letting you freely move is a bad move

They need to tunnel the population into servers which can handle the population increases.

Your asking for a fix, the fix is being on servers which can handle it.

Lock off all high pop servers and then initate transfers.

Yeah, like there ain’t no tools to participate in events cross realm :man_facepalming:

+1, it’s a joke

WoTLK -> Free transfers for stupidly populated realms
Now -> Pay up or queue up

I’ll just say I’m angry, not even disappointed any more. Lost too many hours in a virtual queue that I pay to be in and get disconnected from

I never said a “free for all” free server change , there should be a list of servers to choose from

You cant do mythic cross realm until the next tier

Well then yeah we are in agreement.

If they actually would use the locking server function they do for classic this problem wouldn’t exist