Can we get some more PVE servers please?

Only 3 PVE servers and 1 RP PVE as opposed to 18 PVP servers and 1 RPPVP server…

Can we please get some more pve servers?


We don’t really need them, do we?

What’s wrong with the one pve server that we already have?

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Well,if you log in to some low lvl alt, you ll see tons of players that rerolled in p2… low lvl zones look like on release… it doesnt affect lvl60s now, but it will in month or two… so yea, i think we do need them

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Yes! Bring them on! PLEASE!

it would be stupid to open a new server now. The amount of PVE servers seems to be fine.

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You can’t transfer to it from PVP.

I play on EU - Mirage Raceway, and the early zones are quiet. even STV is fine to quest in, unlike in the month of September, with the huge zerg of players.

Just pick a PvE server and re-roll. Plenty of groups doing all levels of instances to group with.

That level of rhetoric doesn’t really make a strong argument.

Still, I’ve noticed a lot of competition while questing recently, and while it does feel like more people than the area was designed for, I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Yes, transfer all the PvP Player that “thought they wanted” to play on a PvP server.

“Fine to quest in”? I’ve not yet found a single quest objective in STV, over the last couple weeks, that wasn’t contested by 2-3 ppl minimum at all times. The young panther area near kurzen compound is almost always empty of mobs.

Even if you move to other areas, such as Shimmering Flats, Hillsbrad and Arathi, it’s very rare to find free quest zones. From late morning to midnight, every day of the week.

So yeah, plz open another pve server. And, if you open transfers from pvp servers, please redirect them all to the new server.


More PVE servers and #opentransfers


This very very much



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