Can we please divide subscription for classic and bfa?

I don’t want to support BFA or any further development in that area. I want my money to go to classic and improving the servers. How can we make this happen?!


What server improves you want?

#nochanges omegalul


Support for battles larger than 30v30


Gl, retail servers didnt handle it 15 years ago, not even now and doubt gonna work in classic now.


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We can’t. Little known secret: Classic and Retail are developed by the same company. Meaning that even if fees were split between the two the money would land in the same pool. No company with multiple products uses their revenue from one product just to improve that one product. It all goes to where money is currently needed.


So much this.

It goes to the same company though?

Understand what you mean OP but it doesnt work like that, even if you would have different subscription it would still end up in the same pockets.

And im also concerned af about the servers lack of handling big crowds in game when some “random” private servers managed it very good.

People have already answered you why this is a bad idea

But bassicly what you’re saying is that you want blizzard to get more subscription money, alot of us play both x_x

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What we could do is buy shares.
If we are cleaver. We start a wow union.
Gather 20$ from all one time payment.

Then we buy our shares from blizzard, then we Can sit at the table, and Got something to say.

The game has been there for 15 years.
Wonder why noone has done such a Thing.

Imagine 3-4 million join this uniuon, pays one time fee 20$ then we Will have 60-80 million dollars, and could easy buy a Seat on the table.

Enough talk by the comunity, this is how we could do something.
Else rly just smack more Forums posts, like they even read those…

It is a game, but its dictatur ruled by the share owners. If we where really cleaver, the comunity where sitting at the table, with enough % then we Can get few persons voted to speech for us.

I have seen this complains in 15 years.
But first time simeons gathered enough, we Got one Thing: classic
It though finaly we have it, but they quited there.

We could easyli start a frede union too, bit stick together.

Say we want A - they say no. And we say fine, and quit subs - ( then they Will kneel) and give us our demands

While the money would go to the same pool, as others have pointed out itt, it would also show Blizz shareholders how much more popular Classic is compared to BFA. Right now the BfA team can hide behind “but they play both”, when in fact most don’t.

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You can show your love for Classic and dislike for retail by not buying any expansion packs.

Money you spend on classic doesn’t go directly to retail, it goes to Blizzard.

And I like having access to both games. Whilst Classic will always be where my heart lie, retail does still have aspects that keep me entertained. For example, the Swapblaster; added in WoD.

Swapblaster for those who don’t know, is an engineering toy that has a short cast and makes you swap places with a party member. You can begin casting, then turn your character, after the cast is finished, your target will be in your spot facing the direction you turned; it doesn’t interupt them from running.

…So you basically make people run off of cliffs and bridges, or into lava.

You’d need to buy a lot of shares… It is a $42 bn company. Supposing you persuaded WoW players to fork in $20 each to this venture, you’d need 1 billion players to be able to buy 50% of the company and obtain a controlling stake. You’d need 2 billion players to buy the company outright.

U don’t need 50% to have smt to say

But ye lots discuss that.
We could instead just stick together.
all of us drop subs tomorrow indtil they fix hunters for that matter.

It would be fixed asap

But humans aint having much teamwork

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Only a fraction of the money paid by customers through subscription and shop goes back to the game anyway. I don’t think they even invest 1€ of the 13€ subscription back into the game, to keep it running, doing support and developing new stuff. It’s simply a big cash cow for them.

Sorry but you are wrong, retail servers back in the day could support large scale PvP battles, retail these days though cannot. Just look at Nazjatar battles and tell me that is ok.

They need to make a plan to get it working correctly even if that is getting ISP exchanges to prioritise WoW traffic.



Which part of " #nochanges " you don’t understand? If these battles were laggy 15 years ago, they should be laggy now as well.

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Think about it this way. All that retail subscription funding might just as well be going to Classic development as it is.

Or do you believe that Blizzard thinks the way forward is with a game that was outshined by the 15 year old version of itself?