Can we please divide subscription for classic and bfa?

That’s exactly the reason they will never split subs between “Retail” and “Classic” ^^

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Just uinstall bfa plz

maybe we “help” crowdfund support for servers that can handle more than 20v20 battles. lol get it…?

Not to lag out when there are more than 3 people in one spot.

Changes Blizz made at some point around wotlk -> MOP, made large group outdoor activity worse.

Large scale PvP at SS/TM could happen and wasn’t a 30sec freeze fest that current medium sized outdoor PvP shows today.

How do you think we downed world dragons whilst fighting off opposing raids, there would constantly be 120+ players contesting these. It was more of a framerate hit than a frozen -> catch up thing.

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How is our fault that Blizzard made a bad business decision for us to have a shared sub (retail+classic)? Instead of doing seperate subs. So that people who actually play both games and have money for both subs could have contributed economically to the proper maintenance and development of servers. That way we could have stable, functioning servers without embarrassing situations like these:

Hell, they could even have charged us money for the WoW Classic (the initial game itself and even Collector’s Editions) but no, they just decided to treat it like some silly, unserious sub-project, and the result of that is crap like “world server is down” again and again… (just sift through the topics i posted and you will have an idea).

And you seem to be 1) defending their incompetence and 2). treating us who are fed up with putting up with that like morons.


You’re a straight up moron if you think the joint sub fee for Classic and BFA is a bad business decision. A bad business decision would be separating them. For multiple reasons but mostly the shared ecosystem being a source of brand new players from retail.

Also, lmao if you think separating them would have stopped servers crashing. For anyone that works in an industry with servers or online services, you will know its pretty much impossible to stop natural human overload. The technology isnt there yet. If enough people are there, the servers will crash. No matter how much money you throw at the servers.

Also, just because they didnt do the monetary aspect in a way thats efficient to you doesnt mean they didnt treat it seriously. You’re making huge nonsenical reaches in logic. Also known as wow forum echo chamber syndrome.


And to add on top of that, if they were to cash in separate subs i would quit classic-retail immediately, no looking back, I had my share of paid vanilla back in the day.

Others are able to handle the load caused by players in a single location in Vanilla that Blizzard is unable to do. So to me it seems quite likely that the problem is precisely their unwillingness to throw enough money at the problem.

Not that it has anything to do with a shared sub… That is just ridiculous to even suggest.

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AV will be actually playable?
World of warcraft, but please fight no more then 10 vs 10 and in spread area?:d

Its a complicated topic but there are many more variables than just money.

If you lag from that, prob change your potato pc, or find new ip

They dont need that much money to improve the servers, the reason they havent is probably minimisation of cost which means theyre probably not even interested in increasing performance per server and use set configuration profiless for each

Personally if they separate the costs I Will lose my link with people I’ve played wow with for years, I’ll basically have to double my cost to keep in touch with hard fought contacts and good Friends who are like you and me wow players and that is Just evil
Ignorant evil, but evil

Classic or BFA, the game is no fun without Friends and legit Friends in wow are hard fought so I would stick with friends and while classic is in my eyes a better game in nearly every way, my longfought Friends dont

It is not computer lag, FPS is fine. There is a delay to the server which is probably network lag that all people in these battles experience.

So not computer side it is on blizzard end or on the ISP exchanges just before blizzard.

This makes no sense. Blizzard can spend their money on whatever they like. Why would having separate subscriptions change Blizzard’s expenditure?

Also, not trying to be funny but whatever server defects you believe the Classic servers to have, do you actually think they exist because Blizzard cant afford to improve them?

Most likely it goes towards business which yields higher return on investment, and I’m ready to bet 1000 gold that Classic beats retail in that regard.

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So u want them to have even more money?

I think Blizzard wants everyone to play the version of the game that has a cash shop attached and I think it wont matter what wow devs think over what sales and marketing dept think

Tribalism baffles me, everyone is so divided. Especially over an online video game, people wanting to divide an already dwindling community on both ends will kill the game.

And I’m willing to bet the same that the microtransactions in Retail beats Classic by a wide margin.