Can we please divide subscription for classic and bfa?

It is not computer lag, FPS is fine. There is a delay to the server which is probably network lag that all people in these battles experience.

So not computer side it is on blizzard end or on the ISP exchanges just before blizzard.

This makes no sense. Blizzard can spend their money on whatever they like. Why would having separate subscriptions change Blizzard’s expenditure?

Also, not trying to be funny but whatever server defects you believe the Classic servers to have, do you actually think they exist because Blizzard cant afford to improve them?

Most likely it goes towards business which yields higher return on investment, and I’m ready to bet 1000 gold that Classic beats retail in that regard.

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So u want them to have even more money?

I think Blizzard wants everyone to play the version of the game that has a cash shop attached and I think it wont matter what wow devs think over what sales and marketing dept think

Tribalism baffles me, everyone is so divided. Especially over an online video game, people wanting to divide an already dwindling community on both ends will kill the game.

And I’m willing to bet the same that the microtransactions in Retail beats Classic by a wide margin.

We shouldn’t make it happen, investing in the game’s future is the right thing to do. Classic is fun, but finite. MMOs are not designed with an endpoint in mind.
Capitalising on Classic to fuel the future of the game is actually a genius move, stop being so nasty.

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All the people saying that is fateless to split the subs because it goes on the same company, have to understand that the better way that Blizzard can now where to put the money is watching in which game is going that money. If they see Classic has a lot way more subs than Retail, things gonna change.

Oh I agree completely, I don’t want to support this little meme side project either (Classic).


Only if theyre willing to risk opening classic up to the store, which I highly doubt they Will
They Will try to make retail better and more attractive for classic exclusive players to get them to play both because store and honestly if that means retail dials things down and has a bit of a return to old in design while also keeping the store far away from Classic then that’s a plus for me

Submoney pales in comparison to MTX money

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Sure, but maybe, just maybe, the success of Classic will make them realize that maybe game design is better left in the hands of the game devs and not sales/marketing.

It’s either that or they will just try to cash in on the few players that transfer over to retail (“OH MY GOD IT’S NOW A LEVEL 60 CAP, THAT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE, IM SO IN!”) and then go back to watching their playercounts bottom out.

Sorry, but this is just dumb.

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