Can we please have our characters' identity/agency back?

I think the people with different languages are just lucky, Blizzard didn’t put the effort in yet, to remove the gendering. What is a good thing. Makes it easier to revert the removal of genders and just add a third gender into the translations.
And I don’t mean bind the gender again to the “body type”, but of course as an extra choice, so everybody can be happy.

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There is the theory that we will revert due to laziness, basically the new terminoligies are simply more effort and or information to explain then previously and unless that change is neccesary people will only tolerate it as long as their energy allows, which implies that some day unless there is a biological and 100% must differenciation between the old and the new, the modern terms will fade and the ones that have been here forever will continue to be used instead, for the purpose of simplicity and to be able to focus on the ability to evolve in whatever we see more important during that time where the old lingo and terms die with us.

I don’t think that’s true. New terms replace old terms all the time. Just try listening to middle English and feel the pain. Even LOTR can be borderline incomprehensible at times, and at other times it merely uses words in a way that, in a modern context, feels completely foreign. For example, the hobbits turn out to be gay all the time… meaning happy, not homosexual.

And have you heard him speak?

Don’t even get me started on middle English. Or even Shakespeare. Unless you mispronounce all the vowels like a pirate (pirate speech vowels is just Shakespearean English pronunciation) the words don’t rhyme.

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True, that’s why I neither agree or disagree with this theory. But for all I know you might be right and the changes will be permanent ad we will have to find a way to educate the masses in a way that it’s ccomprehensable and paletable.

PS. My spelling seems to have gone down the dumps, apologies for anything that sounds rediculous, just interested in answering as soon as possible as I’m enjoying the convo.

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One thing that I am rather sure won’t stick is non-gendered pronouns though. Every European language has them, and as far as I know there are no exceptions.

The only language I know of that doesn’t have gendered pronouns is Mandarin Chinese, though of course there may be more, and they actually do have gendered pronouns in writing.

We’re dealing with at least 4000 years of history here. Good luck getting rid of that one!

I didn’t notice any spelling mistakes except for in that edit. :rofl:

I’ve highlighted them.

Looking back there were some, but they didn’t disturb the meaning at all. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, funny enough though that is one of the ones I wouldn’t mind loosing, as atleast for me being a native german speaker, there is no rules to the pronouns, atleast none that the average person can use to understand, sometimes something is just feminine or masculine, funnier though is that the word “women/girl(frau/mädchen)” is neutral in german where as the words “man/boy(man/junge)” is masculine.

Having to learn german as not your first language, this will be your biggest opponent.

That’s not completely true. “Frau” (woman) is female (die Frau). Only “Mädchen” (girl) is neutral (das Mädchen). :wink:
There are more funny things than that. Like a door is female, but a door knob is male. ^^

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See, stuff like that, I just don’t get it, but hey if it kinda works why fix it ynow?

But thank you for the more detailed explenation :grin:

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That’s different. You’re talking about gendered nouns, which is the proclivity of Indo-European languages to assign genders to every word to make the sounds flow better.

There’s really nothing inherently gendered about the words, either. How it came to be called that I do not know. In Danish we have common and neuter, and English lost them entirely.

I’m talking about gendered pronouns, which is just he/she and his/her. Queer (which btw used to mean strange, as evidenced also by LOTR) people wanted to add more, such as zir/zirs, but it never caught on. That one is gonna be a lot harder, and in fact in recent years it’s spreading to animals; it is now more common to refer to a pet, as an example, with he or she, whereas not so long ago it was more common to use “it” about any animal, though some animals had gendered words, such as cow/bull.

No problem, I’m German native speaker and living in Germany. It did kinda tickle me to answer. ^^

According to ChatGPT:

The male equivalent to “Crazy Cat Lady” is often referred to as “Crazy Cat Guy” or “Crazy Cat Man.” While “Crazy Cat Lady” is a more commonly recognized term, “Crazy Cat Guy” is increasingly used to describe men who have a similar passionate affection for cats.

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People…stop asking ChatGPT…it’s not a reference and even (for technical reasons!) makes things up, when it doesn’t have a real answer. :roll_eyes:


I’ve NEVER heard that before. I think ChatGPT may be hallucinating.

As far as I know there is no male equivalent to crazy cat lady.

So, a little bit of news, I guess. In the new pre-patch event, in one of the zones where the event is happening there’s small murloc tadpoles you can interact with. I’ve been doing it for a while now and they say stuff when you rescue them.

Two of those things is “Ma-ma?” and “Da-da?”. And I’ve noticed that my character only gets “Ma-ma?” while every male character that I’ve seen interacting with them gets “Da-da?”.

So I guess that’s more proof they still have the code/tech to do this stuff.


Don’t be so serious.

This is just for fun.

It sounds plausible, which in this case is enough for me.
Since I care very very very very little about it. :sweat_smile:

I do like this one though:

The Dog-Owning Antihero Is the Male Version of the Crazy Cat Lady

Sorry, but ChatGPT triggers me in a pretty bad way. x)

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AI in general does that to some people.
I find the topic and technology fascinating. :blush:

Man I’ve lived here since I was 7 and still never got a hang of it in 12 years of experience :rofl:


Don’t worry, my wife also still has a lot of trouble with the German language after 11 years living here. ^^
On the other hand, her being a Chinese native speaker doesn’t help at all with learning German, so … :laughing:

That I can agree with. Only it is not as advanced and useful yet, as people sometimes think these days. I did see non-devs with code straight out of ChatGPT at my work. The code was of course completely unusable…and we have an inhouse dev- team (I’m part of it)…
Oh and the texts, some of our “superiors” are so fond of, coming from ChatGPT are pretty fun to read. Especially the mistakes ChatGPT did put into them and nobody did catch before sending x)


It makes totally sense that any LLM would come to this conclusion, because in the end everything is math. You can literally do “equations” like:

“King - Man + Women = Queen”

It’s just vector algebra. So Crazy Cat Lady - Lady + Man = Crazy Cat Guy.

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