Can we please have our characters' identity/agency back?

Blizzard monitors feedback from all sorts of sites including third party ones, discords etc.

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I’m definitely on your side, don’t get me wrong, I think that all of this virtue signaling is ridiculous and a pretty worrying trend, especially seeing how it persistently leaks outside the realm of politics and keeps trying to ruin everything else for people who just want to enjoy their video games and tv series in peace.

With that being said, I think that it’s important to point out that the people doing this isn’t “the LGBT community”. I’ve met plenty of gay and trans people, and just like you and me they are sick and tired of this rabid political movement that claims to speak for them.

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woahwoahwoah dude chill :open_mouth:

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

What I’m talking about is that the Danish army has decided to conscript women. It is no longer optional to be evaluated and women may be drafted for up to 12 months.

/Target Fuffie
/cast Guardian Angel

In the name of the light I bless and and protect you against evil ekow forces


Before roar / roar I want my Elf / Woelf

I think if the rules is the sane in my mothertongue … High Priest is not a job class, its a rank.

And we don t feminize military or other rank etc

The feminine English noun, priestess , was coined in the 17th century, to refer to female priests of the pre-Christian religions of classical antiquity. In the 20th century, the word was used in controversies surrounding the [women ordained in the Anglican communion who are referred to as “priests”, irrespective of gender, and the term priestess is generally considered archaic in Christianity

Maybe we need an english teacher to clarify this.

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Oops sorry guessed the context of it without reading the article. Figured gaming talking about females it likely means one things. Crybaby manchilds (man children?)

Nah it’s about women getting drafted as you now know.

The amount of opinions on this is truly wild. All the way from they absolutely should, to it’s unfair, to just not wanting to, to men shouldn’t either, to they shouldn’t even be allowed in even if they want to, to make them all medics.

If there’s an opinion, someone has it, no matter how sensible or insane. 0.o

So yeah: controversial.

It’s more that they want to dissociate genders from body types. Their point is that no one is born with a gender anymore. We’re all either body type 1 or 2 ( or other) and then we pick whatever gender we feel is right if any.

So it’s another thing that is made worse for the sake of inclusion because it doesn’t give options to those that want it but forces the change on everyone whether you agree with it or not.
They should have kept male and female and given a third option to pick whatever you like.
Everybody happy. Easy.


This one tbh no one should be forced to be drafted

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Well, we do call Tyrande a high priestess.

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Hum thats right voidie demon.

I think its because lorely night elf priests are female and men are druids

Before wow and lorely it was forbidden to a NE female to become druid and priest (of Elune) was a female job

Lorewise the women were archers and hunters and priests - though even the priests were also archers.

The men were druids, indeed.
On top of that, Night Elf society was overwhelmingly matriarchal.

And goodness were they ever cool back in WC3 for these reasons.

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They’re definitely the reason I’m always an elf in wow.

Yes, that is correct.

Fun fact: Back in 2002 (so this is well before even the alpha) night elf females outright could not play druids, while males could not play warriors. :'D

Hunters hadn’t been added yet.


You re a void ethereal cloud with a dead elf skin as cloths


Blame wow for never scaling items properly for the new female night elf model. Classic me is a night elf.

It s why i never play this wonderful race

Its impossible to tmog something and not be ridiculous.

Shoulders scalling problem etc