Can we please have our characters' identity/agency back?

Yep, so I’m a void elf with a hearthstone in Bel’ameth now (:


My Night Elf character is “it”.
Its flat down there when I remove all the gear.

We see it being used by many female npc’s though. I think all of the female priest npc’s are called Priestesses.

And these are the reasons why I’ll never make a female Nelf druid or a male Priest/Hunter/Warrior in WoW.

I’m one of them rainbow people this infantilizing newspeak is supposed to cater to.
It was a rushed, heavy-handed, writing job. Let me assure you: none of us who gave it any thought is falling for it. Please don’t blame us or even the writers behind this because it’s all cynical corporate swill that crowbarred its way into the game after that one oopsie they did before Dragonflight that made Blizzard fly into damage control mode.

As it stands right now, when that one mean-looking orc from backwater hill who murders 10 different races on sight just because he hates them that much politely tap dances his way out of calling my musclebound, testosterone-filled Tauren “SIR”, it is jarring and unpleasant.
Unpleasant, because I know it isn’t a genuine attempt at making anyone feel welcome. Rather, it is something that a Californian diversity firm that Blizzard shareholders hired forced writers to put in the game (right next to the 16 brand new LGBT couples) to cover up that one scandalous event, by attempting to redirect people’s attention towards, you know… (hushed tone) "the qweers!!! that should work!!!"
It just makes me feel uncomfortable.

As you can see from the post I’m answering (no hate, I understand), forcefully taking away ppl’s agency in the name of enbies or whichever flag caught the out-of-touch Blizzard exec’s eye doesn’t help any cause, it does the opposite in fact.
You’re right to be pissed, but please direct your attention towards the suits who keep doing this because I guarantee you that the majority of the LGBT community despise them even more than you do.
So to add to OP’s point, really, either you properly insert that gender picking option in the game and give people an extra choice to pick from nicely tucked under one of the customization options, or please just put things back to how they were and wait until it is ready to be properly implemented.


It’s a shame companies see it merely as a “trend to chase” rather than something to build into. Private (game) companies mostly invest in actually creating a caring experience. Not a lazy, watered down experience that benefits no one.


I don’t care much for the general dialogue, but I must admit I would love to have the option to choose a genedered title for my character. For example, Priests get the “High Priest” title, but what if I want my character to be “High Priestess”?
It is a bit sad that it went from male everything to gender neutral options as the default, and us girls still haven’t got an option to just be called by our gender.

Edit: Sorry, clearly didn’t read ALL the comments before me, and just now realised these points have already been made multiple times. Still, sentiment is the same.


It’s OK to share how you feel, even if others already did


So, Runescape is a pretty old game but has apparently taken the time to also go back and remove all references to ‘male’ and ‘female’ in exchange for pronouns and the clinical ‘Body Type A’ and ‘Body Type B’.

I immediately thought of this thread so here I am again with a comment of support to bring back the ability to pick ‘male’ or ‘female’ in World of Warcraft.


I do not get what harm is there to have options?

Do people who do not identify as either see the options of “male” and “female” as oppressive to them? Even if they could choose a third or a fourth option? I really struggle to understand this.

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Some of “those” did write here and did mention, that they don’t like the current situation and would like to have the option to add a gender (m/f/d?) to their chars. So no, they don’t have a problem with choices.

I wouldn’t even wonder if “they” would chose normal genders for chars, since chars are for a lot of people not an ingame version of themselves, but simply a character in an (MMO)RPG. :slight_smile:

yea it just ends up feeling like u having a conversation with someone and some 3rd party just sits in the back u cant say that blah blah to 1 of the people constantly obivioulsy no one wants to deal with that

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What do you mean in exchange for pronouns? You can choose what the npcs call you? I never played RS.

Yeah I got the same impression. Makes it even more puzzling that companies refuse to add the options.

I mean it does not exactly promote social cohesion what they are doing right now.


“oh body type 1, here we go again! Hold on your hats!”

Is this realy a Thing ? In the German Game Client we we’re Always addresed as " Champion" or “the Heros” otherwise it’s Always a formal salutation that is used for all genders.

-Sir, are you classified as human?
-Negative, I’m a meat popsicle

It is rather hilarious how well this small dialogue aged (The Fifth Element)

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I would much rather have as be called adventurers again and not champions or generals or anything like that. I want to go back being a no body who just happens to stumble upon world ending threats


Champion and Hero is only in the spoken word in the German game client. Or at least was before DF. The written text in the chat was gender specific (or had the name of the char)…at least that is how I remember pre-DF in the German game client.

I agree with the OP, more options are better and needed. Re-labeling Male/Female to Body Type 1/2 is only half the effort: it’s missing the option to also choose your character’s gender and pronouns. Other RPG’s offer this option. In WoW, every NPC assumes your character identifies as non-binary. How is that any better than assuming they identify as cis?