Can we please have our characters' identity/agency back?

There have been topics but they are so full of hatred and 'phobia that they get taken down.

It also puts many off having a civil discussion when they go that way.


It’s the other way around in Baldur’s Gate 3.

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Big agree with OP.
More choices = better.
Especially since English is not the only language WoW can be played in. Now I’m not entirely sure of how it works and I don’t go back and forth from one language to another just to check, but in Italian basically all words that in English can be neutral are gendered as well. That’s just how the language works, there’s no they/them in Italian, you can’t be a generic champion, you’re either a “campione” or a “campionessa”. I’m guessing it’s roughly the same for Spanish and French.
What I mean to say is the game has to have this kind of distinction already even in DF content, else it just couldn’t work in other languages and translators couldn’t do their job.
Make us choose our pronouns, if you really don’t want to bind them to body types, and you make everyone happy.

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It’s absolutely ridiculous that this gender identity wars made into video games to start with.
These are fantasy universes, as mentioned by the OP it’s an Rpg, it’s about time we end this ridiculous madness.


that´s a complex game. you could be male but all it takes is a little change down below. lets not include that game for this one heheheh

But it’s ok for “very few individuals” to be forced into the way you want it? Do you not see that this is at the very heart of the issue? The best solution is options for everyone & perhaps that will come going forward.

That is true, there was even a post on Reddit about it. We also have in Spanish words with genders. For example “La Mesa” or the Table in Eng. It’s a “female word”.
But when they change it to “neutral” it ends with and “E” instead of “a” or “o”. So it turns to be “Le Mese” which is a word that does not exist or as there are different dialects in Spanish it may even mean something else.

Also waaay before, they translated all cities and last names from characters and I simply hate that so no matter what game it is I never play them in Spanish.

In English however, since Im not native English speaker, sometimes I need to re read some quest or dialogues cause the pronouns confuse me xD

If people want it and like it that’s fine, it’s a free world. But it feels imposed and would not hurt anyone if they give us the choice.

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Did you not read that part? ITS LITERALLY what I said…

There is a topic so clarify when you post something .

In the Us . they have everything you ask .

So fix the title:)

LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 3) - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

Or as concession, default to pronouns by body type (Which is what the vast majority of people want), and put a registrar NPC in SW/Org so people who want specific pronouns can choose per character what those pronouns are.

Shouldn’t be too much trouble, technically (I think), in voice-acted stuff we’re all “Hero” or “Champion”, anyway.

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I don’t understand. That thread seems like it’s a lounge for LGBTQ people? They are talking about all sorts of random things, sort of like a general chat.

To be honest they could just stick on char creation screen. And include it in the barber like every other option.

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Just pointing out that many players do not like being referred to as a hero or champion, but as a heroine and championess.

There is also the trend of using x to denote a non-binary identity, so it would be herox and champx.

I think Blizz needs to set the line somewhere because

  1. it is quite a lot of work (though I suspect it is being actively worked on)
  2. it would definitely cause great pushback among some players
1 Like ← all i say.

can we please have

males back in this game


I don’t think anyone had an issue with any of this until Blizzard themselves introduced their California mindset politics into this in the worst possible way. Instead of adding options that could work for everyone they forced a very political view about gender and pronouns into the game, so no wonder that any topic about this ends up with a lot of political discussions.

This kind of thing has been happening on almost every game in the past few years and in the end they are doing more harm than good because they are forcing it. Having more options has always been and will always be the best way to deal with this.


Oh sweet summer child.

It’s not the “woke” ones that cause this to be flagged


I fully agree with you. I’m gonna suppourt you by a like and play my alpha male human also Im gonna be the start of the change by playing male now.

since we are the main story of everything cool :slight_smile: :sunglasses:

The LGBT community is strictly defined from the gender binary. Trans is an interesting situation though, but it was defined from the gender binary. MtF, FtM. There’s a transition period, but the purpose is to move from one or the other and the middle is something that has to be gotten through.

You have to bolt QIIAP+ (I think it is?) in order for the pronouns and body type thing to make sense. It’s intersex and queer.

Anyway I have to agree with the OP. NPC’s avoiding pronouns when looking straight at you is super weird.

Can I be a regular Adventurer and not a Champion?

On topic: If one wants to be inclusive, then they should just add or append the extra options, without replacing the existing ones. They should be giving us the option to choose among Male, Female, Body Type 1 and Body Type 2, and not deleting the Male and Female entirely. Right now straight people are being excluded.

I want that too, but not like waving a magic finger. I want the lore to “force” it:

The current “wimpification” leads to to both Horde and Alliance lose battles against some of their lesser adversaries because of their stance of “wait and see” instead of “act now”: Scartlet Crusade, a new Defias Brotherhood, Gnolls and those enemies Tauren fight with the horns, (I forget their name, they live in Razorfen) etc. This leads to the populace demanding the leaders of the factions to either take action or to be forcefully removed, and others more decisive (and reckless, this is important so that there is more drama down the line!) take their place. This will lead to leaders who begin governing with an iron fist. And from there the story can continue…

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