Can we please have our characters' identity/agency back?

It was my subtle way of saying keep your phobia and bigotry out of the thread so we can actually have a discussion :wink:

Not you personally, ā€˜youā€™ ā€˜yourā€™ in the general sense here ofc.

I miss having males to wave and call my friends. Now we have all these boring people that canā€™t stay firm being what they are cool people.

#bring back males

But, to be brutally honest, this rhetoric does just as much damage to having a civil conversation. It has to come from both sides of the issue.

You canā€™t come out and call people those things and expect them to react in a nice manner.


And I definitely donā€™t want to be a mere adventurer. Itā€™s funny how peopleā€™s preferences vary.

Frequently see this come up as a point.

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You act like this is a world changing problem that plauges the game making it unplayable.What harm does this do to you exactly? Im trully asking what is the problem with that your VIDEO GAME CHARACTER referred in the game as an it and not your prefered pronounce? (in a game where i bet you skip most of the dialogue anyway). Seriously why is this such a headache for everyone. There are no better things to worry about in your life? I wish I was this blessed.

Why a game cant be simply just a game?

Itā€™s that, from a lore point of view, you cannot have hundreds of thousands of champions. At the same time, Champions are more suited for just showing up for morale and maybe as the front line at a large-scale combat; they are not suited for fetch tasks.

And lining this up with my previous post, we need a leader who will say: ā€œChampion, I have summoned you because I am removing your rank and I no longer recognize your contribution to our past victories. The people may like you and they may still refer to you as their saviour, but for me and for Stormwind/Orgrimmar you are now a disposable soldier. Now go and < do this quest that gives gold and reputation>ā€.

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Yes itā€™s always a little bit here and a little bit thereā€¦ Eventually all those little bits add up to a lot. If its not world changing why does it matter to them? Two can play that game.

It IS a game, set in a fantasy world and weā€™re still bringing in nonsense from our own.

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I simply view that I am the only one.

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It goes against the whole ā€˜rightā€™ that transgender and nonbinary people are fighting for. But not only that; it also makes the more traditionally minded people angry because their traditional division is taken away.

Itā€™s a bad call; it angers both sides. Of course thereā€™s also a huge playerbase stuck in the middle who donā€™t really care much either way, but yeah.

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On that we are agreed. It was the rest of your comment I take issue with. No-one should have to change who they are, thatā€™s the whole point, but you were fine with the previous way, when it suited you, without thinking of others who felt forced.

Thereā€™s at least a few others cause raids and dungeons are cleared by a group.
Iā€™ll assume itā€™s just my alts.

NPCs, naturally.

But Iā€™m actually one of those people who wants to be a nobody. An underdog.
I definitely donā€™t want to be a leader or commander.

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Oh, letā€™s see nowā€¦

The vast majority of people on the planet identify as either male or female. There are exceptions, but those exceptions are and will always be a minority.

Of that same minority, the amount of people who want to see additional options added to cater to them is not something that applies across the board as the LGBT ā€˜communityā€™ is not, in fact, a hive mind.

Nonetheless, there are those who are at least willing to entertain a compromise provided it does not come at the expense of what existed already.

So what happens? We lose access to the ability to refer to our character as either ā€˜maleā€™ or ā€˜femaleā€™. Now, suddenly, it ā€˜isnā€™t a big dealā€™. If that is truly the case, there would be no need to push this in the first place.

Who is meant to be catered to? Speaking as a gay guy myself, I am a guy who likes other guys exclusively. I do not entertain other options, I am exclusively interested in men and masculine ones at that.

As such, I would like my characters to reflect that - and be referred to and addressed as men.

Itā€™s not rocket science. You cannot say on one hand that itā€™s important to ā€˜respect peopleā€™s identity/pronounsā€™ and on the other insist on taking away options to identify specifically as ā€˜maleā€™ or ā€˜femaleā€™.

Itā€™s difficult to believe that these changes are made in good faith as a result.


Yes because ā€œthe previous wayā€ was working just fine and didnā€™t need to be changed in the first place. Iā€™m not asking anyone to change who they are, feel and do whatever makes you happy - truly. But Iā€™m getting pretty tired of constantly being asked to change who I am to suit others.

But this is a discussion without any winners so it is what it is.


Great post.

The smallest minority is the individual. And this community this and community that de-individualizes us.

I also hear stories how current trends and ā€œforceful social changeā€ has hurt the perception of lesbians and gays and it feels like undoing a lot of progress. Official definitions of homosexuality were also edited to be attraction towards a person of the same gender, not sex.

So it definitely feels like there is no such thing as a monolithic hivemind community. But for some reason it is presented as such.


I still donā€™t see group content as diminishing my role. I donā€™t view them as Champions. I am the champion. They are just part of the army.

I do understand we all see things differently but that is just what happens in my head.

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Oh please, i just pointed out that it was Blizzard themselves who first introduced politics into their game, as an extreme reaction to their own legal situation if i might add.

To me personally? i couldnā€™t care less, but i do think that what they did was stupid and the worst way to be inclusive. You canā€™t really sell the idea of representation and inclusiveness when your way to do it is by removing the two most socially accepted and used terms and the pronouns that go with them.

So all iā€™m saying is that instead of expecting people to be happy to be a generic gender neutral body 1 or body 2, let people be a female space goat that NPCā€™s refer to as she/her and add options so that someone can be a body 1 orc with the female voice that npcā€™s refer to as they/them. Options, as i said, will always be the best way to deal with this.

But again, i couldnā€™t care less. If the topic arises and iā€™m bored (as today) i will certainly give my opinion.


Youā€™re the champion.
Weā€™re just your hero back up dancers.


I have thought this too sometimes.

Puny allies :smiley:

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