Can we please have our characters' identity/agency back?

I feel like I’m banging my head against a brick wall. The previous way worked fine and didn’t need to be changed for you. I’ve been pretty tired for most of my life of constantly being asked to change who I am to suit others. To fit into a “traditional” role. To accept a “norm” that squashes me. I’m not the only one, neither are you. But it only takes a tiny step to understand that how you feel now is how I’ve felt forever. Have you no empathy for that at all?


Even if we wouldn’t have all the different opinions about genders, etc. This is an MMORPG. I have chars, that are male to me and some that are female to me. Do they have the matching body type? Yes. Does it matter? Clearly not.

It doesn’t matter, if I am a white old male with a beard or if I’m a darker skinned female or identify as what they call “nonbinary” nowadays. My chars are my chars and as in every pen and paper RPG, I want to be able to give them a gender of my choosing. :slight_smile:
And for those who like that, there should be a nonbinary option as well. We’re not living in the 90s anymore. Live and let live, don’t hate…
I also have white human chars and more chars with a darker skintone. It doesn’t matter. A char is a char, is a char. :slight_smile:

So, as you see: It doesn’t even matter what standpoint you have towards gender studies, gender politics, etc. People should have choices in the game.

And that is what I’d judge (positively in my case) about the topic. OP would like us to define our chars gender however we want, not only their body type. And I think it is a great idea.


And that is why I don’t play with Punyelf…I don’t think Punyelfs and my ego fit together in one group…not enough space. :joy:


Sadly I’m running out of empathy regarding this matter. But thats no reflection on you.

I am sorry for your struggles.


I just presumed everyone plays this way. In your game I’m the back up dancer and you are the star.

But obviously people don’t. And we all have our own approaches.


I don’t find anything wrong with it, personally. I quite like being called champion etc.

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I definitely have empathy for your situation, but now it’s the reverse, in order to accomodate you, everybody else is affected, character gender and pronouns should be a per-character choice of the player, simple as that, anything else is just pleasing one group at the expense of another.


Probably bothered an extreme minority from within Blizzard (they are probably the majority by this point).

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This is a problem that affect more depending of the language. English is a language in wich refering to the characters by pronoum is common. Meanwhile in Spanish or Italian pronoums are almost never used. But at the same time this languages have gendered adjetives and sustantives instead of pronoums, making even harder to change the game texts to become gender-neutral. So how the texts used for our characters are gendered or gender netrual depends of the language.

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I personally have no skin in this matter, but as with visual customization for our characters, having more options to personalize them is always a net positive in my books. I see no reason that couldn’t extend to pronouns.

(Although who are we kidding, it’ll be “champion” or “hero” more often than not anyway!)


Imagine how far along we’d be as a society if people would stop being upset over the fact that other people exist.

Gender neutral language harms literally no one and existed quite alot in society and games before the modern era. Most of you are only aware and upset about it now because some right-wing youtuber told you to be mad at it.


well damn, now my day is ruined.

but there was a point Thal made. they should’ve added and not changed some of the stuff.


Too many people typing…

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We should just stop localizing the game.

Well not directly but it does wonders to not feel directly adressed, which can lead the the reason we switched to the gender neutral words. All in all it’s a cycle that causes no one to be happy if we continue it, so either way it’s best to stop the cycle. On which one? Well that’s not for me to decide I simply observe the circle as an outsider who doesn’t really win or lose with either situation.

I do however lose when the community rages about it so if we could wrap this up within the next year I’d greatly appreciate it.

I’m starting to feel like sheldon with how much arguing is going on around people.


this is a good point

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More options are always generally good true.


Ironic that the use of the old they/them was phased out because it was grammatically incorrect.

Modern language evolves and obviously they/them is used in the singular and made a more general comeback in the 2020s. Some of which was still in use but does not exist in other languages. Direct translation just means it’s plural.

Now I have zero issue with gender neutral terms for those who want to be referred that way but I don’t understand why anyone wants to erase the other preferred pronouns. Especially when they are recognised in most other places these days. You get a choice. That’s all the OP has tried to start a discussion on.

That’s not to say it’s offensive just a case of this was something they clearly looked into doing from the data mined info.


I honestly think as well that this goes faaar beyond gender. I’d really love for the game to have moments where it recognizes that I am a Pandaren or a Mage and reacts accordingly.

That’s a lot of work though.


I don’t think anyone wants that tbh.

When was this?

But yeah, preferred character pronouns would be a good move all round.
Everyone should be free to express who and what they are playing. Race and class could also be options like the Pandaren Mage said.


You’re a wizard Harry