Can we please have our characters' identity/agency back?

I can see your point, but I don’t think the right alternative is completely reversing everything and caving to the worst kind of people.

Not saying that’s your opinion on it at all btw, just as a clarification in general on this topic from my end.

Like DP just said, I don’t think anyone wants this. I am also aware that languages in the latin-group are alot more difficult to directly translate because those languages are gendered overall.

The lack of class identity and species impact is another topic entirely, but I agree.


I feel like they did this in panic after the allegations, and all that stuff that happened. With other games they add on to it. Like the ones I mentioned in the OP.

Maybe it’s like others say and that they tried to add gender neutral pronouns on top of the ones that already exist but they couldn’t.

Hopefully that means they will at some point though.


I like it how here n everywhere people are upset with politication which, by overtly stating that fact, they engage in this process themselves.
Stating, directly or indirectly, that games in its modern form being such an advanced story/information relay media would be exempt from this. Because “yo when i played pong it wasnt political” for the oldest gen, or that other games do it too in other ways but they either agree with your view (status quo is still political) or are so subtle about it ye dont notice. Media and art are political, people in their nature are.

To stay on topic tho, options good imho.

That depends. For voiced dialogue, certainly - having Anduin’s voice actor record every single playable race and class name in the game for a cutscene would take a lot of effort and cease to age well the moment a new race or class is added to the game.

For non-voiced dialogue - which makes up the vast majority of writing in the game - it would be as simple as implementing a specific flag to describe one’s character as their race or class. Something that the game already does.

Speaking as a role-player and someone who likes as much immersion as possible (within reason) I like the little nods to chosen race, class and gender. It’s more natural and less clinical than just not acknowledging anything distinct about my character.


Although this is true, to my kowledge no language has ever evolved as rapidly and as drastically as english is within the last few years, that some words come in and out of style or one or another is reworked, that’s understandable, but the fact is that if you were to approach an older person lets say mid 70 and try to explain the current amount of genders alone, not even pronouns much less perspronouns, or that we simply don’t say certain things anymore through not wanting to hurt our fellow peoples feeling (beautiful sentiment btw).

It would be like explaining sarcasm to sheldon, I keep reffering back to him cause I may or may not be in a binge of that show again.

Oh I never said reverse, taht is a highly unlikely scenario that will probability speaking never happen. I simply suggested the idea that it would be cool to stop the changes momentarily and allow for humanity to adjust, like we’ve dowloaded the new content, now if we could install it that would be great, regardless of what content that is keep in mind, I prefer to stay neutral until I’m up to my ears in booze.

But I do get your point.

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You mean acting like an actual RPG? Yea,that will never happen.

Due to how spaghetti WoW is with its code, I can imagine that it was alot more difficult to add an effectively “third” option to choosing your gender(Which would also be needed to allow for customization from both body types), rather than just changing the text itself to be gender neutral.

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I miss Order Halls too.


I think what it comes down to is that what sets a game apart from a movie is the sense of agency, and what sets a social roleplaying game apart from other forms of games is the sense of identity.

So if my choices, including the choice of which character to play which can most definitely also be the choice of which sex I selected, doesn’t have any impact on the game whatsoever, most people get sort-of a “narcissistic wound” - like the game fails to acknowledge that they exist or make a choice, which is precisely what gives rise to the title in the OP.

Now, you can choose to call it too narcissistic to want the game to acknowledge you - but if you choose that, you’re going to have to explain why you’re upset that we want to feel as if we exist.

It’s kind of the same issue that appears when you shoot into a wall in an FPS and no decal shows up. It just sucks because you feel like your presence isn’t being acknowledged or, in this case, your identity isn’t being acknowledged.

No… it’s… not. Actually. Weirdly. It’s all about the game saying “I acknowledge that you are female, Pandaren, and a mage.” And now, when you meet another Pandaren, they will tell you how rare it is to see another person with wanderlust, or when I encounter a mage he will allow me to talk about ley lines in a way other characters can’t do - and for the gender, simple gendered language really is part of that acknowledgement.


Okay yeah, I completely see what you mean because having replayed MoP again during Remix, it was beyond weird and frustrating to play a Pandaren yet have all the Celestials(like Yu’lon) treat you like some mystical creature they’ve never seen before.

Like, girl, I’m literally a Pandaren like all the others you care for on a daily basis. I’m not that much different.


On a positive note I do have to thank you all for being incredibly entertaining in my time of need, work is slow and this is awesome to read and see the current stance on things, as well as some new opinions I can’t say I’ve seen before.

Bravo to you all! :dracthyr_heart:


Yeah, I shake my head every time I take a Pandaren through Pandaria. It’s awful lol.

But gendered language is simple. Usually you switch a pronoun and a couple word around like lass or boy or whatever it is in the text, and you’re good, but they even got rid of that now? It’s so low effort and yet

It’s genuinely like they want to inflict that “narcissistic wound” on heterosexual men and women as well as LGBT people. I imagine for a trans person especially being acknowledged as the opposite gender in a game like this actually brings them a little bit of solace and happiness.


Just wish it could be done without some of the finger pointing. But generally yes, this is more civil than it has been in the past.

The thing I don’t understand, and maybe its a me thing. When I log in to the game, I’m not there as “me” I’m there as my character. We’re not on Earth anymore, we’re in Azeroth. So why bring in things from our world that do not belong and have no place in a fantasy world that shouldn’t even concern itself our issues.


It was used in the 1300s through to the 1600s etc. There was still the odd reference in literature in the 1800s.

The way it’s being used now is not with the same intent and I think it’s disinegenous to pretend that it’s just some right wing rhetoric to want to retain he/him she/her as well as adding they/them.


A good point, but I’ll think that will matter on each individual and I’m not personally qualified to say.

I don’t think it was due to malicious intent though. I think it was simply because of what I said in my other post. It took less work to simply edit the text itself rather than adding an effectively new third option to the game in terms of gender identity.

Blizzard if anything often prefers the faster and quicker route to solutions. That is long time proven.

And more entertaining, seeing as instead of the normally attracted, “you’re wrong, I’m right” we actually got informative and useful arguments for understanding both sides.

Fascinating for sure.

Oh I can explain that, atleast why I do play as close as “myself” as I can, atleast I used to, it’s because I used WoW as an esccape where I could be anyone I wanted to be and I just wanted to get away and be myself, just in Azeroth, and from those who I’ve spoken to atleast it would seem this isn’t a rare experrience to have made.

It is possible though that those who have made that experience have since left the game since so taht understanding is getting lost as it’s no longerr required as much.


Well, regardless of whether it’s malicious or just lazy, one thing is very obvious: It’s making a lot of people sad.

It’s been one day and the OP has 51 likes. That’s unheard of on this forum. I can’t even remember the last time I saw a post with that many likes.


Yeah I’m glad it’s not all arguments. I reckon they would’ve closed this thread if that was the case.

If I’m being honest Shen, I’m surprised it’s open at all, even without it, usually people don’t touch this with a 10-foot-pole.

But yeah tahnkfully in the end for sure.


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