Can we please have our characters' identity/agency back?

Got to love Sheldon!


Mods have been good at removing the worst and leaving the thread intact


Well I’ll be honest when I say I was a little upset when I saw it getting flagged and hidden as fast as it was yesterday. But then I got my hopes up again when the mod team unflagged it.

As you can see by my post count I don’t really hang around here, never really did. But for this specific issue I just didn’t know where else I could post it. Could’ve tried Wowhead or MMO-Champion but I guarantee you that thing would’ve been shut down in record time on both of those sites, probably for the entirely opposite reasons too.

Really? That’s good to hear, it means people agree.


I can definetely imagine that, I have also been flagged for reason I am unsure of but in the end there’s thankfully no real harm, would be a shame though for this to go under as the idea itself is quite good.

Rather have additions then subtractions or even replacements.

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There’s been a definite change in attitude from the moderation team on this topic. They’ve basically gone from “never discuss this at all in any way” to “don’t disparage people for their sexuality” which, personally, I think is fantastic.


To the original topic, it has been a thing since shadowlands.

It was so cool when Tyrande called me a daughter of Teldrassil but past that it was all “they” and “maw walker”. If they value immersion then they can let us choose.

I’d love for my girls to be called she but it genuinely feels like a point of no return for wow. I don’t think it’s designed for the majority of people playing it. It’s not really inclusive that way, but if inclusivity and accessibility were something they cared about we wouldn’t have pathfinder for regular flight when people get motion sickness with dragonriding, for example. They’d record additional lines so that our characters would get their pronouns right. It’s not even often we’re addressed with pronouns in wow, we’re mostly observers or simply called champion/the expansion’s word. It would be very very few lines in need of re-recording.

To me it’s obviously hypocritical and meant to benefit their PR with minimal effort when they do things, then they just… stop, suddenly we have a feature that’s really inaccessible, really just against what they claim to stand for and we go on a repeat, yet we keep playing :')

Also, edit: the pronoun and voice picker was datamined long before. They just never added it. I assume they planned to around dragonflight launch but then they saw the response to the body 1&2 changes.

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I disagree to some extent, a lot of these topics were up and descended into horrible cesspools of vile comments and weren’t moderated at all. They were left up far too long. Then eventually would just be closed as they were long beyond redeption.

But on the whole I’ve found moderation mostly very good for some time now.


I’m don’t know if somebody already mentioned this, but for me the matter can be easily extended to wanting more recognition of character identity in general, not just gender. NPCs could refer to us by our name, if they know us, by title, class, by past deeds and so on.
I know it’s not super easy to implement, but it’s far from impossible and it’s been done in the past, from time to time.
“Greetings, Fun Gal.”

We often are referred to by name in the quest text, I guess that was an easy one.


Well, race certainly wouldn’t work since they’d have to re-record for old expansions to keep that working - I don’t think they want that.

Name - they’d have to use AI to pronounce them, I imagine. I’m not sure I’d want that.

Title - maybe if we could pick out from a few, but I somehow doubt they’d re-record the same line for each title on so many characters. It’s not worth it.

I could go on. We can have special cases like certain npcs who’d normally have a more special interaction with us.
Examples: Tyrande with the horde & night elves
Class npcs from, say, legion class halls with their leader using the title.

So allow us to hear our pronouns at the very least and get rid of champion unless it fits the occasion.

Text: You can go wild there and they wouldn’t need to do much, they can just use your settings as they are. They can reflect choices and progress, all kinds of things.

Second this, I just noticed that I was refered to as they despite in the past always being lad/lass or at least by class or something, what gives, this isnt voiced dialogue its just text, there is no reason you should be lazy about this. Seriously this is done in gacha games when they dont want to account for your choice of protagonist, dont be like that.


There’s a lot of people in this thread who are apparently deeply opposed to the perceived philosophy and ideology of Blizzard and who still choose to throw money at them monthly. Wild.

Any game without a fanbase capable of constructive criticism will soon stagnate or decline.

This here is quite constructive I would say. Wild.


Enough people mispronounce my name as it is. Don’t want to add AI into the mix xD

Although I do remember on old Ventrillo or maybe it was TS, you could set up your own phonetics for your name.

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I do enjoy being called “CHAMPION!!!” by Magni for the billionth time…


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Not every problem or issue people might have with the game is so significant to them that they’ll quit over it. Wild.



How could anyone get that wrong?

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Yep. There’s also those of us who did quit, played a different game and then saw the exact same problems creeping in but to a more jarring degree.

I quit Final Fantasy XIV for that very reason - it changed the tone and aesthetics far too much across the board to the point where World of Warcraft ended up being more consistent…which says it all, really.

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