Can we please nerf guardian druids?

The same level of skill that you’re hardstuck against every season and are complaining about every day. Your point?

The point remains that none of you know what Rage of the Sleeper does, and the importance of CC’ing and kiting beyond it being a damage reflector. That’s okay though, if enough of you noobs continue crying it’ll be nerfed to compensate for how bad you all are.

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Huh? Again with the ad hocs? We’ve been over this man…

Also, not trying to question your comprehensiveness but his highest is 1750 is 2s and mine is 2400?

I know numbers and rationality is a bit above your pay gap but come on, it shouldn’t be that hard.

Again with the factual statements*. You play at dog water levels, so does he.

You don’t have 1 win at 2400 rating, it came in the most inflated season of all time and you’ve been stuck at Rival ever since. Not even 1 duelist afterwards. Wouldn’t surprise me if you bought a boost and took a screenshot with your ‘the Elite’ title :face_vomiting:

Go learn what Rage of the Sleeper does beyond damage reflection instead of writing your fan fiction towards me. If you put in as much effort towards getting good at the game as you do writing to me, you wouldn’t be one of the only Warlocks I’ve ever seen that doesn’t have a Gladiator after playing every. single. season. of BFA and SL where it was literally HANDED to you. Never mind gladiator, not even a 2.2 in 3s. How is that even possible?? BFA S4 was a free 2.7+ :rofl:


Huh? I have multiple Duelists :smiley: Also, how am i supposed to push rating without playing? Is that even possible? ROFL.

Why are you even talking about this? The subject matter was that they couldn’t kill the G.Druid and the only time they could with offensive CDs, druid would pop RoTS.

Your solution to this was “cc the druid”. Its literally there in the other thread. The only way that would make sense is if druid casts RoTS as an offensive CD; which no good g.druids would do.

Idc about my rating. I’ll repeat myself again; i have a life. I am pretty content with my 2.1 and 2.4 achievs. And please; enough with the ad hocs already. Its getting a bit disgusting.

You don’t get to run away from your irrational and baseless suggestions and insults towards others by ad hoccing. Thats beyond disgusting.

Guardian is fine. Some people act surprised that a tank is tanky, like it supposed to be.

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News flash moron: you have 1 elite, a couple duelists and the rest are rival. 3 different ranks. Your max exp is 2401 in 2v2, therefore you got your 1 win to get to 2400 and didn’t win at that rating and have been a hardstuck rival ever since.

Then they are terrible players. L2P issue.

Because that is the solution you freak. Rage of the sleeper isn’t just a defensive cool-down, you incompetent, pea brain moron. Go and google what it does.

So do I, but having a life doesn’t mean that you’re automatically horrendous at the game. Being good doesn’t automatically mean you don’t have one. Nice attempt at justification for your incompetence once again.

Stop saying ad hoc, what you mean is ‘ad hominem’. Ad hoc is a completely different thing. Good God, how much education do I need to give you???

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Eever since? I barely played after the season I got 2400 (and that is only 2 seasons away, rofl). Look at the number of arenas I did compared to seasons I got 2.1 or 2.4. If you are that keen into looking all details; at least do a proper comparison.

They might be and it indeed could be an L2P issue, doesn’t change the fact that your suggestion to the question asked was absolute garbage.

If a g.druid is using RoTS as an offensive cd; that guy will probably the lose the match anyway. Berserk is the better offensive cd and RoTS is the perfect cd into opponent’s go.

I say I have a life not because I dont have glad level skills rofl. I am saying that 'cuz you keep saying “oh you don’t have duelist on this and that season”. News flash; I don’t play the game 7/24. There are seasons I don’t play AT ALL. Like BfA S2 and there are seasons I hang around casually; which is majority of SL as I didn’t enjoy the game much.

You ‘barely played’ after the season you got to a rating you’ll probably never see again which was so conviently in the most inflated season ever? How strange! FYI 100 games was enough to be considerably higher than 1800 max, especially in 2s.

During rage of the sleeper, they reflect damage, they do more damage and they heal for more. If you think the suggestion to CC them and kite for that 10 second window is ‘garbage’ then you slot extremely comfortably into the terrible l2p issue category.

I had 2.1 in the same amount of games you played last season with the mmr bug in the most deflated bracket: 3s. Your point is null and heavy copium.

Anyway as predicted it’s just been nerfed to the ground so all of you monkeys can continue to spam your damage and play like the uninformed morons you are. Happy days!

can y all please stop feeding this giga troll lockfromwish who has nothing better to do than insult everyone about a game? and indulge instead the guardian nerfs in the upcoming maintenance

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If you get offended by facts in discussions about the game then maybe you should grow a pair. Better yet, stop writing fan fiction and go learn how to play, then you won’t be insulted by the facts.

If you have to resort to external insults and assumptions about somebody’s real life after being schooled about how to play the game, you’ve lost the argument. When you can’t stick to the topic of the discussion (the game) and have to stoop that low, you’re automatically admitting defeat. Cringe.

youre not realizing the only cringe person on this forums is you. meh

Idk I think perma challenger - rival players and welfare glads piping up to superior players is even more cringe. You wonder why no other good players post on here when 99% of you are horrendous dragonslayers that are all in denial.

leveling aborted.


  • Guardian
    • Moonfire damage reduced by 20% for Guardian Druids in PvP combat.
    • Thrash damage reduced by 20% for Guardian Druids in PvP combat.
    • Brambles damage reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
    • Rage of the Sleeper reflect damage reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
    • After the Wildfire healing reduced by 40% in PvP combat.
    • Sharpened Claws increases the damage of Thrash and Swipe by 10% (was 25%) in PvP combat.
    • Tooth and Claw increases the damage of Maul by 20% (was 40%) in PvP combat .

If a G.Druid is popping RoTS into your go; cc’ing them is useless as that scenario will keep repeating itself. Again, you can’t seem to comprehend this simple issue with your suggestion. It is absolutely remarkable.

You are literally saying either never pop your offensive CDs or find a dumb enough G.Druid who will use RoTS as an offensive CD (ROFL :DDDDDDD) so you can take him down 10 sec. later. Even THAT though is a bit problematic as can be seen from Venruki’s video; even a bad G.Druid was able to survive for so long against 2 DPSes.

You’re completely wrong. However like I said, it has now been nerfed to accommodate spastics like you so talking about it further is pointless. Remember though, it’s one less thing for you to use as an excuse for gatekeeping you at your sewer rat rating. Gl hf.

guess whose partner plays guardian druid

Never played with a tank in my life. Unlike you incompetent QQ’ers though I actually know how they work. I wonder why there wasn’t a single good player crying about Guardian the same way you lot were.


plenty of them complainign about shadow though and it will get it’s nerf too :slight_smile:

Already has been nerfed. Keep up, buddy.

I love how you succumb to personal insults the moment you cant come up with something to say on thr matter.

I legit feel bad for everyone around you.