Can you nerf tyrannical more please blizzard

This is what happens when you find that community and make some friends :slight_smile:

And i currently play with that same M+ group containing a survival hunter and demo lock. It just requires the community and friends :slight_smile: We are 2 dungeons off of KSM. And we upgraded ALL dungeons last week on tyrannical.

tyranical makes people pick less off meta classes, speaking of which start buffing underperforming specs already for the last time i am gonna ask, the next time i feel the need to ask i instead delete my account, im quite annoyed already.

that makes the two of us 0 care for shadows aoe

I timed last week multiple +15’s with a demo lock in my team. And more considered bad classes. It was a push week :thinking:

Im sure i could to but only if i formed my own key and get lucky enough without leavers.

not sure what im supposed to see ? the fact that if you are in guild/community they can carry your alt ?

so your solution is to get carried instead having char power progression in game ?

and your advice is to get carried ?

i mean - thats plan brilliant in its simplicity but not sure if its appealing way to play the game.

It showed i went up to +20’s when i got a community and made friends while getting to +15’s was impossible with pugs. What do you mean by carry?

i thought you meant to show me that 183 shamy being carried to +6 once in SL since we are discussing this expansion not previous ones.

dunno what im supposed to see since i cba to use r io :slight_smile:

If you click the link you should get on my legion page of that char. At least i do.

Someone mentioned pugging is now more terrible than before. So it was not only about this expansion. I mentioned it was always terrible. And that finding friends have an insane positive impact.

Well, you do you. Keep complaining about pugging, while keep pugging and not finding alternatives. I think it is hurting your own gameplay. But you do you :+1:

thats how majority of playerbase plays this game

and that majority rather quit then change the way they play .

thats why 9.0.5 will do nothing to stop blizzard bleeding subs.

you cannot change how people behave. people never rise to the chalenges - they quit and go play something else.

thats why Wildstar died. it was supposed to be proof that there is place for hardcore mmorpg games - it went f2p and died - because you cannot force people to change habits.

I dont know the majority. I never talked to them. But i am in multiple communities and there are literally thousands of players there too.

And to everyone who is actually here seeing my messages about communities, i hope for their fun (not mine, i am totally fine with my 20 dungeons a week where i dont have to do any effort for since i got my own M+ group), that they follow the road to game changing wow fun.

the problem is you cant spam m+ anymore the pvp community can spam their stuff faster

Wait, why not? There is someone mentioning he did 30 dungeon on his rogue in this topic. That is pretty spamming, isnt it? And i am running average 20 a week too.

True only meta classes can spam that many dungeons

My group is bear, hpala, (and 3 out of) survival hunter, demo lock, ret pala, arms warrior.

Meta classes? :thinking:

no but the optimal classes are more catered in this meta expack leaveing the cluncky speccs as shadow warlock out of it.

On previous expansions it was impossible to pug on non meta classes either. I stopped puggin in s2 bfa on my hpala after 1 week on a total of over 20 hours applying on +15’s and getting 0 runs. And i leveled my resto druid. And in Legion my resto shaman had 0 chance either.

Communities. Win.

its not the pugging that’s bad its the affixes don’t fit all specs playstyle problems.

Now what is the problem? It is not spammable, which it is, or affixes? Our lock has no problem with affixes either. What is the real thing? I have now 0 idea what actually the problem is.