Well, I; along with three more friends, are the latest to have cancelled our WoW subscription now.
When Classic launched, my friends and I were very excited to re-live the “good old days” and started leveling Alliance toons on a PvP server. That was our first mistake.
While we were able to find groups for instances; and so forth, we had a hard time out in the open. Getting constantly camped by large groups of Hordes and getting absolutely no assistance from our fellow Alliance players out in the world.
This continued for a couple of weeks before we decided to re-roll on another server. Did it help?
Short answer is: no. Same old story.
After our third server re-roll; a few of our friends re-rolled on a PvE server, but recently quit. They wanted to play on a PvP server; like we had always done, but were put off by this, because WoW Classic’s ganking was nothing like it was back in the day. While WPvP and ganking was part of the Vanilla experience, it was nothing like it is in Classic. So this caused my friends to eventually quit.
Some of us; however, re-rolled Horde. It didn’t last too long for most of us, because we dislike the races, cities and zones. So as of mid-November 2019; all of my friends (and a large amount of Alliance players on every PvP server) have either re-rolled Horde, or cancelled our subscriptions. For me and serveral other friends; the latter is where we’re at, unfortunately.
I hope you will enjoy Classic more than we did. It was nice while it lasted.
I was going to buy Shadowlands but now I have decided not to spend one more cent on Blizzard and their bulls*it. Canceled my subscription as of yesterday.
There is no shame playing pve, populations are high especially on pvp servers, the hype is big for the just introduced honor system.
On a server with horde majority you still cannot turn a corner without some alliance group ganking you.
If you are not yet 60 it will be a sour experience perhaps, but it will fade. The hype will die, new phases will come. But when you are not around to see it you will not know if it gets better.
You’re right. Its not that close to Vanilla pvp. In vanilla people used to gank you until you logged out, and that doesn’t happen that often, if at all.
Why would I play on a PVE server and deny myself half of the game experience? Getting ganked by 100 hordes every 2 minutes is not PVP, imagine if Blizzard made every dungeon boss one shot you in the first 3 seconds and then someone would say “If you don’t like it go on a PVP or RP server”.
And yes, I agree, horde leveling experience is probably not that great either, some small packs of alliance players can get through and kill you until the large packs of hordes come and rescue you.
Very sad and accurate post, and I’m afraid more people is feeling the same. Going to a PVE server is the only solution. I don’t think P3 will solve it, it will only make it slightly better.
Back in vanilla we thought gankers were retards, now it looks like they are PVP heroes. There is not skill, merit or glory involved in harassing lower level, outnumbered players.
Actually it does now, people are getting ganked until they loggout.
as soon they will open the bg this gank fest will finally end…
Yep, population balance between factions have been an undressed issue since (and for) a long time, and while i understand that Blizzard shouldn’t deny the chance to play on either of the factions i don’t think restricting more toons being created on a specific faction and on a specific server would be much of an issue, you can still play whatever race you want but not at the cost of unbalancing any further a pvp server ruining the playable experience for both sides, since while ones will get an unfair and constant gank, the others will see a huge lack of pvp action and a denial of honor farm.
If at this point none of you can understand how problematic and serious this is then just wait until we have 2 hours of bg’s queue’s.
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Used to play vanilla with this toon , i don’t remember wpvp like that .
In fact classic wpvp is more like pservers wpvp , and do you know why? Because classic servers are giant servers like Nostalrious, Northdale were.
The flaw is “the world” was never designed for 15k players at once.
What people could stand on a free pservers, they can’t stand with classic 13€/month.
Not enough servers at the release and layers are responsible of a lot of flaws/bugs/abuses/faction inbalance
While i understand the excitement around phase 2 and honor system, the unbalance faction along side with this gank fest will hurt the game.
Those who say “go retail” or “stop cry, what you expected from pvp” don’t understands that as long as alliances will leave the game, you will not enjoy future pvp and you will suffer from long q on battlegrounds. Myself is level 52 and i suffer being ganked and forced to do only instances while also on instance/flying paths is pain to reach out. They should have been address this with at least one battleground alongside phase 2 to try to stabilized this Honor grind fest.
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One way of addressing this would be to make dishonorable kills REALLY hurt. Dishonorable kill? You just canceled 50 honorable kills.
If they will do that, they will trigger all the vanilla fanboys of “#nochanges”.
The way to address this without any single change is to release BG asap and people will still gank but less…
faction change from horde to alliance is another option as many hordes would transfer in order to have a better game experience.
I think a part of the problem is down to the scale up of how many players play classic Vs vanilla, vanilla was smaller back then with less people per server ect. The honor system is exciting and I remember it from vanilla but there’s a lot of people that never played vanilla so to them the honer system is a completely new thing and like with anything new everyone is at it trying to do whatever they can to reach the highest rank asap. It makes it hard for everyone which is a pain but it’s just the way it’s going to be, if vanilla servers were as big as the classic servers then the problem would of been the same back then. Also the people who play the game are different now, you get the older generation of vanilla players that remember wpvp on a smaller scale Vs newer generation/younger people who are used to playing these massive PvP games with many people fighting for the win. Not sure if this is coming out right, in my head I know what I’m trying to say but hopefully some get it!
It’s a pain but hopefully not everyone quits! It can still be fun! 
I like PVP, but I don’t like RaidVsPlayer. Whats the point on camping quest givers to ambush players for hours.
I am on Ten-Storms and we had a 40/60 Alliance/Horde ratio. I think it is now about 25/75 as even the officers in my guild only login for Raids.
Maybe Blizzard can add limits to honor gained per zone such as a daily cap of 500 players and after that players will no longer give honor and have a %50 defence bonus in that zone.
Someone else had a good idea in another thread of moving the raid groups for wpvp to diff zones each day, so hillsbrad to ashenvale and so on, which would help the people leveling but it wouldn’t be something easily implemented
I also cancelled my subscription
You know you can pvp on Pve servers as soon as bgs come out?
who cares? you are offtopic