Cant log in "WOW51900201)

Same issue again.

You’re getting DDOSed.

Again? this is incredible… Can I have compensation for this? every time we come from work this doesnt work!!!

It’s not fixed.
Stop saying it is.

This is getting to be a regular thing. Have no idea what is causing the problem but Blizzard must know? 3rd night in a row and I’m truly fed up with it now. Hope they fix this soon. I can’t even get into battlenet. I just get the que thing right from there. When I do get into battlenet and get the loading screen - it says login servers full! Arggggh…

Just managed to get into game - but my friend’s list isn’t working! No friend’s showing up on the list - they are listed on Battlenet but not in game so I can’t send whispers from in game. This has been the same issue along with the login problems. Really hope they get this fixed soon.

Just came home from a hard day at work, want to relax a bit with my fav game but now this…

Now now, let’s not be too harsh on Activision-Blizzard, they are, after all, just a small indie company, that cannot possibly afford to fix an issue that keeps popping up…

Again back home from work, Again servers not working.

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Hanging around in a queue, again :frowning:

Again?! Blizz come on…

Third day in a row at the same time …

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How many days it takes to fix this?

Joining the chorus of people stuck on this.

Millions of revenue, but still takes more than 24 hours to fix a simple load balancer issue…

Still can’t log in. WOW5190031 error in Classic, WOW51900102 error in retail. GG Blizz.

Think we should all unsubscribe for a month to give them time to fix it


Dear Blizzard
Im paying for this game every 6 month. Is this the new standard from now to sit and wait for a game slot?
If that is so , you can be kind and refound my money - just fix this server problems.


Its not resolved in the slightest and I created a posts with no blue reply!

Sigh…constant cycling of login, wait, kicked out with the error WOW51900201…just resubbed after a fortnight off as well…wishing i hadn’t bothered now!

Same third evening in a row …

I pay to play. I dont pay to wait third day in row to log in with estimated time 1 minute for 25 minutes now. You cant even fix your own servers now or what?

So many people playing classic that you lowered your servers on retail to save quick buck. If it was issue it would have been resolved three days ago.
Dissaster after dissaster.