Cant login

Adding my case here, windows 10, same error (WOW51900328), super frustrating.

Yeah. Are they aware of this? Will they do something? Is someone working on a fix already? No one knows.

Getting the same error as everyone else. I’m using Linux (Manjaro), and Lutris to play WoW. Stuck on “Logging in to game server”, the DC to error: “You have been disconnected (WOW51900328)”.

There’s a fix.


How in the bowels of blue jesus are we meant to do that lol

that worked…nice. I believe editing proc is temporary and would need to be refreshed on each boot though, so hopefully an actual fix is coming.

If you’re on GNU/Linux, command line. Or dunno, there might be a graphical settings editor that can change that setting.

Btw, that setting sets the “Time to live” part of an Internet Protocol package header. Apparently the assumed recently implemented DDoS protection targets packets based on that meta information, or something.

Anyone know how to change the TTL on windows 10 never done this before so havent a clue .

you would do it through the registry. (search google ‘ipv4 ttl win10 change’ and ms guidance should be up at the top). I would be surprised if windows 10 users are suffering from the same issue though, seeing as they should already have a different ttl

I am having same issues ,cannot log into retail /classic or access characters on companion app, get stuck on loading into game server on both wow client before character screen , on wow companion app can get to character selection but any attempt to select a character sends me back to login screen

Tried all trouble shooting fixes including flush dns, clear cash , deleting blizzard entertainment folder the lot.

Since this issue effects both my wow clients and phone app i can say with some confidence i doubt its a fault on my side at this point

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The ttl fix works on windows 10 for me:
press the windows button and type ‘regedit’.
On the left side navigate to
Select that Parameters folder and on the right side there should be a key named DefaultTTL. For me it had value 40. Edit it and give it value 128 and select Base “Decimal” then press OK.
After restarting the system it worked and I could log in to my char.


You sir are an absolute rockstar .Did exactly as you said and presto I,m in .

Mac Users:

To get into your game you will need to locate Terminal (Usually inside Utilities folder). Inside terminal you will have to write sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.ttl=120 and then insert your password.

it sets your ttl (Time-to-live) temporary from 65 to 120. Just enough for you to be able to log in and play.

Hope this works for all of you. Good luck, and get back to the endless grind!

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I cannot log in to game servers, I am frequently just disconnected; this has only started happening recently and I am losing a lot of game time because of it, I pay money to play the game not sit and wait for you to fix the servers, I understand with classic etc there may be some downtime but it is kind of ridiculous I am having to consistently wait so long to play I have lost multiple days of game time because of this, please fix.

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Works!! Thanx man!!!

Ubuntu/WINE users, change your ttl with this command

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=128

Same command as Mac i believe


ttl 128 worked immediatly!

I was in game stuck in the “Instance not found” teleport loop and no sooner had I executed the command npc’s spawned back in and was back to normal.

Thanks for sharing this!

Seem to fix it.

But pointing out still:

"This is the classic hallmark of a blacklist, traffic drop at firewall, or filter on a level 3 switch in the datacenter.

My current working theory is that the GNU TLS (OpenTLS also) headers may be what is causing the detection. Blue posters were very active in the support forums but have gone quiet as the linux guys started investigating the issue (I get it, we are not “officially supported”)."

So saying that blizzard get your s-heit together and knowledge that there really is linux userbase playing your games ( Which prob have even grown due to classic launch). If the case is filtering GNUTLS fingerprints on firewall.

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Guys if anyone has a guidance of how troubleshot or what to do to clear this issue please post it here, i am having same issue since yesterday, today i logged in and same story about instance not found.
If anyone has a idea of how to get this sorted please do help !

Many thanks

That depends on certain criteria on your system and how you connect. If you’re using Windows 10 then there is a cmd line you can use which seems to have worked for people. If you’re using Linux there is also a line you can use to resolve the issue. If you’re using a mobile internet provider and use an android device to hotspot then there doesn’t appear to be a fix/workaround just yet.

The Windows 10 and Linux workarounds can be found in the multiple threads on this.