Can't play 2 specs in shadowlands (time to unsub)

I don’t know, nor care.

then dont comment about it

You are exactly, absolutely correct. Going primarily PVP with PVE being a side attraction instead of the other way around was and is an absolute no-brainer.

I am pretty sure that they went PVE-first instead simply because their designers were raiders, they thought they knew how to do raids and they didn’t knew how to do PVP. Someone at the top should have been hiring PVP designers instead but they were busy counting money and gave away the steering wheel to whoever would take it, and well, the damn raiders (like Ion for example) were the only guys there to take it. It’s mind-boggling.

I can comment about whatever I like. :relaxed:

you can comment, but its your type that make the devs not change pvp.

Comming in with random comments like " pvp is a side activity " is not helping anyone. If you dont care like you said idk why u make these comments


PVP was as large or larger than PVE until they broke it. The number of people who do random BGs in, say, Cata, was on par with the number of people who do effing 5-man instances.

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Levelling is much quicker in SL. Upkeep of characters is much lower, just a few weekly chores.
Have two mages. You’ll get the story of two covenants and be optimal.

Short answer: No

Long answer: No, the system is garbage.


Maybe not, but it’s the truth.

I care about it being in the game: It’s toxic. It’s bad. And it shouldn’t eat up valuable resources and dev time. I care about THAT.

So I do what I must.

To be clear; what I said I didn’t care about is pvpers being butthurt that pve is more important.

it does not help with 2 mages :smiley:

The problem that I have that all Pvper will have is that you want 1 char with the best possible gear for arena.

If that gear come from mythic raid like now, you are forced to do PVE content that you dont like much in the first place, and u will also be handicapped since you play a pvp spec and covinent and preform very poorly.

So my question was if I can at least change to the optimal PVE specc when I do PVE activity that I dont like in the first place - just to get pvp gear

It is not. Or, rather, it was not, until they broke PVP. This didn’t have to happen.

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Biggest irony in this expansion was the fact it was a conflict between the Alliance and the Horde, you can’t get a more PVP themed expansion than that.

" war between the two factions is at the heart of Battle for Azeroth"

“Those factions are so tied into player identity, when you see those banners, you know what they stand for — they’re personal to you as a player. You did things for that faction, you fought that enemy, you held the line for them, defended your capital. All those things. That wouldn’t be something we would take away lightly. That’s part of the Warcraft DNA."

While at the same time focussing more on PVE.
Yup killing NPCs in Warfronts is the heart of the faction conflict alright. /S
I guess they are more concerned with Warmode (which basically is funneling everyone to outdoor PVP at the exchange of rewards) than PVP vendors and PVP balance. That’s PVP for them.

That’s just my point of view.


It is. It’s a fact.
And you can’t change that fact by simply denying it. That’s not how it works.

PvP has always been a secondary thing in WoW. It was almost non-existent at launch, apart from useless, irritating world pvp.

I speak truths.

did you play tbc?

Unfortunately yes.

You’ll probably be able with a lot of effort. As far as I know, changing the covenant requires 2 weekly quests done, so if you do it right before reset it may be possible to do it. Depends entirely on your guild raid schedule though.

Are we going to lose all these fancy thingies in SL… Shift+Right Button on the item to choose the other thingies? Traits or something.

I just want a simple items with stats to play the game as Casual.

I dont understand the argument that even IF it was a side activity, that you treat that playerbase like crap.

It is so easy to please everyone.

most people dont care about wow lore or story at all. That does not mean that I go into their topics on forum and say its only a small amount of people who even read the expansion story so we might aswell just skip the story all together in next expansion.

If we all have the common goal of wow beeing successful with a big playerbase, surely we should be able to please everyone, Pvper/pve/roleplayers

You are wrong and are either trolling deliberately or talking about things you have no clue about.

I repeat, the number of people who did random BGs in prior expansions was on par with (same or exceeding) the number of players who did 5-man instances. The number of people who would raid was much lower than that, and the number of people who would arena was on par with it.

That’s just numbers.

PVP was as big or bigger than PVE was. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you just didn’t know that. Well, surprise for you. Live and learn.

Things changed in Legion when they broke PVP (long story). PVP reduced dramatically indeed, but that was because of their stupid changes. Those stupid changes continued in BFA, that reduced PVP some more. As it stands now, SL is not exactly doing well here either.

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But it really, really isn’t.
WoW has been proof of that for years.

That’s just you being biased and speculative.
You have no proof of those silly claims.

I’m not saying the part of the playerbase that PvP’s isn’t sizeable. That’s not at all what I’ve been saying. Did you understand the things I HAVE been saying? :thinking:

Unfortunately that’s just not going to work. Someone’s always going to be pissed off about something. And I’ll be damned if I let PvP take up most of the devs time; that’s going to ruin what I like about WoW.

So no, sorry. I’m not on board for this supposed ‘hugfest’. Not when PvP keeps ruining things over and over and over. As far as I’m concerned, they can just remove it.

Yeah, I know that won’t happen because plenty of people DO enjoy it - but the main thing for me is; PvP should stay a side activity. Most of the dev’s time and resoures should be reserved for PvE. Because in it’s very essence WoW is a PvE game (with PvP tagged on).

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