Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes



Pork and leek for me, and yes have to be butchers sausages to be the best.


Yes, spam-posters that intentionally derail threads they don’t like the topic of or if they dislike the OP. Directly breaking forum CoC even after it’s been pointed out, as usual.

Oh no quite the opposite tbh, yes cheap sausages are basically anything and everything, tho good quality butchers sausages are real sausages so to speak, with only the natural meat as contents and no fillers.


What as opposed to you resurrecting a thread that had come to a conclusion just so you can take a dig at posters, and get your special buzz of epeen?


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Clearly it hadn’t, and my posts were on topic. The thread wasn’t closed due to inactivity, IE necroed. I corrected people, ones that specifically took many digs at others or stated incorrect and generally transphobic things. I followed the forum CoC, many others did not. :3

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Yes it had, the thread had no posts for around 2hrs, it had slipped well down the page, the OP hasn’t posted for 4hrs (approx).

You just wanted to open up the can of worms just to feel special, and it is quite sad.

Now keep trying to justify yourself, I’m getting more intelligent conversations concerning sausages.


I bet you don’t jump in when a trans person throws incorrect information at people.

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For said character to be transphobic he would have to be created with the intention to degrade trans people. You are free to give me information to support that.

Your whataboutism doesnt work. I supported people that fell into said group that were already posting in the thread.

Then it has slipped my attention. Please refer to the post where op stated its preferred pronouns.

Citation needed. Again, youre free to further my knowledge on the matter with valid information. In this case i want a direct quote from the creator of the movie.

You were the one constantly calling be transphobic while not being able to back it up even remotely. Your copy paste, while amusing, is ultimately futile.

Read above.

Yet Tahra didnt make a fuss about it if it ever happened. Youre free to redirect me to a post where she is stating towards me (me, not anybody else. Me. And it has to have happened before our last long conversation where we both ended up ignoring the other. Shes only not ignored on this toon because of how the forum works and right now i have no reason to put her there again for the time being)

Read above.

By forums rule i have not. Everything i stated towards the OP was in direct aim of this thread. Outside of the OP i did one off topic post.

Please tell me more about what my intentions are. That i baited the OP with “are you trans” is not an intional upsetting of said OP but me wanting to have my suspicions confirmed. Which they were.

Quote me then. Using Poop instead of the censored word is not bypassing the filter. Neither is using the word beep. The core messaged remains intact while not using filtered words.

You cant correct me on definitions im afraid. For mate alone i can use the (sarcastic) friend definition and the sharing a place definition. Here the first would apply. Actually even the friendly name part would work since even while it states “especially to men” it still covers that the term is used in a neutral manner as well.

You would do well to refresh your knowledge on said word then.

Read above.

If i “never do” i would still adress Daestra as a he. I would address you as he. Yet i dont. I will address Tahra as she however and since i received an ok from her to do so your efforts here are futile again.

And there is the label again. Ahh calling me transphobic once more while not being able to back it up. Adorable. You dont get intentionally misgendered as otherwise i would have already done so while talking about you to holystyle. You get called pickpawkit by me most of the time as that is your characters name next to mate and thats it. At best you could call me disrespectful towards you for not even remembering your pronouns in the first place based on the fact that i dislike you as a person and as such you personally hold no value for me. But if i had to guess from the back of my mind without researching the other thread you wanted neutral pronouns. Hence why you get mate or pickpawkit.

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Said by the person using libel.

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Iunno man, I tend to get in trouble when discussing sausages.


threads like these tend to have an inevitable 404 ahead of it, hence the ducks and SOSIG!

The marriage threads begs to disagree. And that one deserved to get trashed.

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Well being a gay female, there usually isn’t any ambiguity :rofl:

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It a slippery slope, first Sausages then all sort of offal and weird cuts. Sausages are a gateway…

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I oppose dried sausages, but I love fresh or smoked.

wait everyone we shouldnt say sausage, but we should say Fruit, seems appropriate

There is fruit in my sausages for tea (Apple). Can I do both?

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fair enough xD

There’s a certain type of sausage that has cheese in it, it’s great.