Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

Po Ta Toes

Boil 'em Mash 'em Stick 'em in a stew


How about a salad?

But not bunny stew…I like bunnies :rabbit::rabbit:

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Weird stance since you were just posting on your other character, Vercallus. Either which way, you’re the one alt-posting plenty of posts in a thread to drive it off-topic among the others that (hopefully) FMT will take care of.

Eww! How can you even ask something like that?

Don’t you like potato salad?

Most certainly not. I do like potato mash though. Some make it with a bit of spring onion even, that’s a nice addition.

Well at least I changed back to my correct character, and the point stands, the thread had died a respectable death until you decided to stick your oar in again.


Mash and lots of butter, very bad for you yet strangely satisfyingly

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Not really, given people are just spouting as you put it, ‘drivel’ spam. As you continue to bump said thread, over and over until it gets locked for being ‘off topic’ as you people usually do. Thankfully now there’s a email for such things.

Bred rabbits when I grew up.
They’re destructive, disgusting jerks…
But I love them anyhow.

I’m cooking Sausages and Mash for tea along with some cabbage (covered in pepper and gravy.) Nice…


So are the virmen. Hilarious though.

‘You’ people?

Care to explain?


Can’t beat sausage and mash, though the sausages need to be good quality lol

Oh they are, from the local farm shop. God tier Bangers.

Are they spicy? Yoo with mustard.
This thread is making me hungry.


Then what time shall I come over lol :rofl:

No. Apple and Pork these ones. Traditional English sausages don’t tend to be spicy. Though you can get spicy ones.

Sausages are like pork (and various other meat leftovers) garbage, surely quality isn’t a concern if you’re eating them in the first place.