Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

What are you eating meat with fruits blasphemy.

What?? Like *cough Banana (oooh err missus)

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considering the dialog they’ve recently changed with these characters you gotta love the irony of this as we are currently in a patch called Chains of Domination where there is a lot of domination, torture and rituals. xD

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I’m with you on that one. Every time Naxxos posts I mistakingly read “Nachos”.


Pork and Apple sausages are a traditional English Sausage. Very common, sold in pretty much every Supermarket (but mine came from my very nice local farm shop)

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Quite common here. I had a bacon-wrapped cheese-filled hot dog earlier when out on my walk.

Original Cornish Pasties had meat and veg on one end and Apple on the other, so a main and dessert so to speak.

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Ah but alas no fluffy handcuffs :rofl:

You know what I never understood? Doctors saying “morbidly obese” instead of “fat” or “overweight” to be respecful. Who would rather be called morbidly obese than fat? I know what one I would pick.

Words seem to be what matters and not context or actual meaning, I don’t understand anymore.

This came into my head from the “fat” achievement removal.


the new pvp trinket is kinky enough.

Great thread about food thanks for showing some new dishes/typs of food /sausages.


If the new devs get their claws into the inevitable 50 Shades reboot, you can bet there will be fruit all chained up and whipped.

Record scratches
Wait what?! o.0

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Ooohh strawberries and whipped cream!! Need to get the girlfriend to go to the shop, thats tonight sorted :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Some random achievement had the word “fat” in it and they changed the name.

You’re… welcome? :thinking:

Those batstards!

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9 and a half weeks? … :open_mouth:

(one for the boomers amongst us - including me)

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My father kept calling my brother bastard, never knew why!

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Oh won’t last that long lol, but umm yeah :kissing_heart: