Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

Just found its name: Käsekrainer

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Zovaal: ‘‘with this cheese and pineapple hedgehog I shall re-write creation’’


But the thing is, Rabbit, that many people, including myself, tried to talk normally with actual facts and explanations and whatnot. But everything was just thrown to the wayside, even going so far as to insult actual trans people in this very thread.

So, keeping such a hornet’s nest burning seems a better idea to you?
Come on Rabbit, you must have better sense than that.


More projection, I see.

You’re guilty of doing what you’re accusing me of doing, in this very thread. Woops.


Your whataboutism doesn’t* work.

OP supported people that fell into said group that were already posting online.

Ah, then you’re back to using ‘it’ to refer to people. Why am I not surprised?
Weird how data tends to be online! Even in the wiki’s!

Actually I did, and I’m always proving you wrong while you’re always proving yourself wrong too! Can never even abide by your own words.

Read above.

Not making a fuss =/= it not happening, or it no longer being misgending or you being transphobic.

Sure! Search their characters post history for it.

Read above. uwu

Incorrect, actually. There was more than one and further, you’ve continually had disparaging remarks and tried to silence the OP.

*intentional, and you went a lot more past that in the first place and your intentional was confirmed by your posts afterwards since you used that reference question to disparage them.

It is, just like using asterisks in place of foul language is considered masked language on forums and in game. Not my rule, I personally don’t agree with it. They’ve even said using abbreviated language that contains foul language counts.

I can* actually, you’re also not the one that gets to decide which words ‘are or are not’ disparaging or used to misgender. Since I’ve corrected you oh so many times and you kept doing it despite knowing my stance on it; that it upsets me and I gave you which pronouns to use but you refuse to do so out of spite(admitted by you, as you said the only person you won’t intentionally misgender is Daestra.)

Actually, you should. There’s plenty of discussion on it, feel free to google it! Shouldn’t have to google everything for you, you know.

Read above.

I backed it up plenty, as I said you’re just like Milo.

I gave specific ones, and gave you specific conditions on why the one you were using is not fit.

Ohh, you’re the one always talking about intent needing to be proven but when it comes to yourself it’s always conveniently not required. When it suits your argument.

False, just about every posters posts here was argumentative, transphobic, and hostile towards OP and others.

But hey, yet another person that refers to trans people as something not human. Such a shocker.

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Yet totally accurate!

You’re getting tiresome now, have a nice sausage sarnie and chill.

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“That’s fatphobic” is probably what got the word fat removed. The ideology of the stupid portion of fat people which encourages others (mainly women) to keep putting themselves at a significantly higher risk to over 200 medica issues.

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You’re seeing things that aren’t there. Sorry, Rabbit.

Oh you’re going to play THAT card huh?! :joy:

Ok let’s play ball… I’m calling you rabbit, because your vulpera picture reminds me a bit of Rocket Raccoon from the MCU films. In it Thor keeps referring to him as ‘Rabbit’, which to me was really funny. Your name ‘Pickpawkit’ is strangely reminding me of the word Rabbit. So I thought it fun to refer to you from now on as Rabbit.

I’ve explained my reasons to you. Let’s see what you do with that, Rabbit.


Not at all, seen it plenty. Hey, you’re even doing it now.

Already explained to others about why referring to trans people as objects or non-human things is bad, and I already explained what others should refer to me as. It sure wasn’t that, so yeah it’s intentional since I corrected you and made it clear I didn’t like it.

I didn’t accuse, I simply said I bet you don’t do he same to trans people. Those who support LGBT people often place a much different set of standards towards them the those who oppose them.

Like you do for yourself and friends in this very thread? Curious hypocrisy, while you target LGBTQ+ and allies.

You really aren’t answering me, just deflecting.

“No u” is a rather immature way to answer a question.

Edit: What friends are you referring to exactly? Because I wasn’t aware I had friends that are on the forums.


I’m not.

You’re the one using a vulpera as an avatar. In case you didn’t know; they’re not exactly human.

I only look at that. I don’t know the person behind this online persona. When I refer to you, Pickpawkit, I’m referring to your character and the voice you give to that character. That’s how I roll.

It has NOTHING, absolutely zero, to do with who you are ‘behind the screen’.

Don’t take everything so personal. I understand your defensive about some stuff because of things you maybe went through in life? But there’s no need. At least not to me; I’m fine with whatever you want to call yourself in real life. But here you are Pickpawkit the vulpera, or for me: Pickpawkit the rabbit.

Neither are you.

You are.

Yet, I’m not roleplaying my character on this forum now am I? I don’t think I’m a Vulpera, do I? You’re not referring to my character, you’re referring to me. You call me rabbit, you’re not IC calling my character ‘rabbit’. Despite me telling you not to do so, you continued to do so. It’s up to you if you want to continually INTENTIONALLY disrespect me, and by forum CoC ‘troll’ me and intentionally try to get under my skin.

I just explained to you that that is exactly what I do.
Because I don’t know ‘the real you’.

Read what people say instead of jumping on the defense right away.

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I asked a question and waited for answer, you deflected by accusing me of accusing you, telling me about some apparent friends of mine on the forum and talking at me about LGBT people while not acknowledging that I also got within that category.

You’re so homophobic.


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Considering I can see in your post activity where you say homophobic, and transphobic things… Whatever you say, milo. Keep using it as a shield so you’re beyond reproach while saying vile things.

Black pudding anyone??

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Not a fan to be honest. I’m not far from Bury either (the homeland of Black Pudding)

Funny thing is Pickpawkit; I myself could be put into several boxes, but I don’t let people do that. I don’t go around telling people my sexual preference on a game forum, because it has no bearing on what goes (or should go) on there.

I don’t tell people about the other boxes I could be put into because it doesn’t matter. I’m me and anyone referring to any of the boxes I COULD fit into in a disrespectful manner doesn’t make me any less ‘me’.

People have to learn that not everyone will agree with who you are. And that’s fine. They don’t need to be part of your life. As long as you are treated equally by law (one of the things that still needs work all over the world, sure) then it’s fine.

Just understand that any teasing I do will never be because of who you are IRL. It’s based on your character because that’s all who I know you to be.