Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

Yo what is that I know what is chocolate pudding.

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If you say so. Just stop regurgitating bs please.

You, like many people who support or are within the LGBT spectrum are so eager to throw out buzzwords and bs arguments because of ‘feelings’ without using any critical thinking.

I on the other hand am a gay man who has seen far to many inconsistencies within the movement and wants those within the LGBT movement (and their allies) to be held to the same standards as their opposition. I also don’t blindly endorse everything said by them simply because I am gay.


Is that when you accidentally burn chocolate pudding? :no_mouth:

Kind of blood sausage.


Yuck for me.

You wrote so much, yet you didnt answer to Kretias’ questions of giving citations where director stated that this scene was made “transphobic” on purpose to degrade trans people. Jim Carrey said these scenes were made so over the top and ridiculous to make fun of homophobia.

That’s a common theme with trollpocket.

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Nice name tbh

Funnily enough that’s what made me think of it, saw something on Bury and Black Pudding.

Genius name for a troll rogue!



Oh no you don’t.

Summons succubus.

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Think I may call my Girlfriend that after the strawberries and whipped cream :rofl:

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maybe WoW isn’t the game for you…there is so much stuff in there you are bound to find something you don’t like but others do.
Remember WoW is not a SP game you play with others, you can’t speak for them…only for yourself…and you are just one as am I.

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So you have none. As predicted.

Not in this thread. And again as i said if he was in support of said people its fine. When asked about it he didnt say he did.

Im still waiting for the quote. Also reading comprehension would suit you well given the “it” is aimed at the post in question that you said was posted yet failed to link towards.

I am still waiting for the citation.

Oh i can abide my own words. However there are cases where i too am being a hypocrite in what i preach and what i do. However all these instances have the core message to be correct. And no you didnt back it up properly even once. Its nothing more but libel.

I’m still waiting for you to quote where she told me her preferred pronouns.

Burden of proof lies with you.

I told the OP to bugger off yes. That is however not an attempt to silence him. Learn the difference. An attempt would be to send a mail to the mod teams again to get someone banned.

As for the disparaging remark: Not against the rules. I dont have to fake politeness. I dont have to hide that i dont support him. He gets the minimum amount of respect a person deserves and nothing more and that is by not insulting him.

I am responsible for what im saying and what my intentions are not what you try to read out of it. What i said stands.

The words used are allowed by the filter. The core message is intact. Its not a foul language. Its a general phrase that is commonly used with swear words in the general world. And since certain swear words are not allowed i havent used them.

Im afraid you cant.

I am because i am the one using them. And Mate is a gender neutral term. By definition.

You said you want gender neutral terms. Mate is gender neutral. It is not my issue that you are not up to date regarding its definition. You are free to discuss with both Oxford and Cambridge.

And no Daestra is the not the only one i dont “intentionally misgender”. Shes merely the one where i pay attention to it because shes stating it pretty much 24/7 and we are friends. Otherwise i would regard her as he by the unspoken rule that everybody is male online until stated otherwise. Everyone gets the same treatment. You dont like to be gendered? Sure you now get either the other gender pronouns or a neutral one. In your case your name or mate.

Cambridge and Oxford both disagree with you.

And more libel.

You get your name then. If i remember it because you as a person are on the bottom of my list. However if i use the phrase mate in a general sentence you will have to deal with it regardless as its a figure of speech.

Also i can very well, if i desire, call you a “she” because i can refer to your character when speaking to you.

Not working like that im afraid. You called me Transphobic. This is not a question about intent.

Edit: Also if i dont see any sources for your claims in the next post youre just going back to being ignored.

Because pickpawkit cant deliver said quotes. There is no source to support the claim made.

If there is then im still waiting for them to be delivered.

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Four page reply incoming

Brigante has joined the chat?

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Genders predate science, they predate language itself. Many cultures around the world have between 3 and 6 genders. You seem pretty confused about classification systems and how they work.

We could very easily decide “people with red hair are a separate gender” and impose behavioral structures on them. It’s a matter of how we choose to apply our classification systems.

Trans people also predate science. The job of science is not to disprove observable reality. Science cannot prove the sky is a green. It can only explain why it is blue. Science sees reality and explains it. Trans people, as well as 3rd, 4th, 5th gender objectively exist. Therefore it’s the job of science to explain how this happens.

Your confusion comes from the fact that Western Europeans are one of the few global cultures that only had 2 genders, which doesn’t come from science, it comes from the Christian creation myth. In fact, pagan mythologies accommodate all kinds of shapeshifters and gender-swappers, acknowledging these cultures recognized them.

Then, the Christian creation myth was translated into science… but it is not objective. The classification system is flawed, and you know it is because around the world you can find nations that recognize up to 6 different genders.

I’m sorry, I expected you to be a bigot, of course you are a hateful little thing, and I chose to educate you a bit.

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Lol don’t think the servers could handle that much h text.


Dont care. If i dont see a link source in the post its being ignored.

Ye thats what i was thinking actually.