Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

Have you ever put Apple Sauce on top of a cooked pork chop, then a slice of cheese and melt it under the grill for a couple of minutes… nom nom nom.


Yes but to be fair, you could put cheese on anything under a grill and nom nom


All of that sounds so good until you ruin it with apple sauce :frowning: Why Shammoz. Y u do tihs.

Cheese makes everything better


If it makes you feel any better, I do disagree with the comment above about Duck with Apple Sauce… it’s to tarte for Duck in my opinion.

Funnily enough, I am having Duck in Plum sauce tonight :slight_smile:


Remember, if it goes quack then…

1… its a female duck
2… its undercooked :rofl:


3… All of the above?

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I’ve only had duck a couple of times. It’s not a common meat here. Though I do prefer turkey anyway… and now I need to eat some bird today. Dang you all.

Sounds a bit like my Steaks… I like 'em mooing :cow:

Turkey my least favourite meat. Once a year on Christmas day because I have to.

I find turkey too dry.

It’s hard to get it right apparently. Never tried myself though, boil-in-bag rice is the peak of cooking I am able to do.

Secret to a good turkey is to cover it in streaky bacon, seal it in foil, cook for 45mins at top temperature, then finish cooking it low and slow the following day, so 45 mibs on Christmas eve, then for a few hours low and slow on Christmas morning.


Now that’s a great idea.


Apple sauce and pork - YES! But why would you add cheese to it? Blasphemy!

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It’s one you can apply to anything.

Had to salvage it somehow after ruining it with apple sauce.

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Yep, completely cover the whole bird, it saves you having to baste it as the natural fat from the bacon does it for you


But but it’s cheese!!


Hate the stuff- got firecracker potato wedges, calamari rings and hot n spicy chicken wings after just coming back from my sons careers convention at his school

So he became a chef?

Nope, I’m the chef in this house - he’s going either animal care or agriculture

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