Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

You are ignored. I just happen to open your hidden posts. Same applies to Tahra because shes ignored on this character.

And ye dont even try to defend you.

You got a response. People just made it abundantly clear that they dont respect you in all shape or forms.

What you are doing right now is an off topic post. Responding to an off topic post with an off topic post is still an off topic post. Otherwise report them and move on.

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tbh WoW is so far behind on capitalizing on the popularity of cosmetics it’s not even funny anymore.

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Same goes for you, I guess. Must get deja vu a lot, don’t you? Especially since you made tons of claims I’m ‘not worth responding to’ but you keep doing it.

Actually, I’m not. I’m responding to someone that posted at me and took the topic off post, IE intentionally derailed the thread. Don’t worry, I do btw.

Honestly… I can respect that.

I salute you. Even though I still disagree with you on a great many things about this game.

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He he he he he. He 20 chars

Back in my day mods would ban me same day when I open mouth.

How is he not banned yet like 2-3 days still.

Yeah sure believe that xD

And you keep posting off topic posts. Becoming the very thing you swore to destroy.

Because its weekend and the mods dont work much. And they dont work much in the first place. And i cba to email the community manager (or rather the team) because then i have to create a proper case again with links and all that. Also its a splendid source of entertainment.


Nope, that would be you. We’ll see if the FMT actually do their job in regards to you and others, though. Though at least I’ll have other recourses, these days. :3

Damnit Winky good to see you!

We have moderators?

It seems the vulpera has a new victim to latch onto.
I’m so sorry.

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Ye mate im afraid that ship has sailed for you after what you called Deastra. Irl your accusation would have gotten you fined heavily.

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They are a legend at this point. Or a myth rather.

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What did I call them, exactly? Gonna wait for you to quote, btw.

Nope? But hey, the accusation that I did by your logic would have gotten you, since it’s a false statement and intentional libel. If you prefer, I can get that sorted if you want to lmk the country to put it into? :3

I think this guild disbanded. It was based in Versailles.

Disclaimer: You can make jokes about anything. Well… As long as it doesn’t break the forum rules.
Because yeah… Here we have rules… Unlike the wild west out there!
With all those wild rabbits hopping around. Doing… rabbit stuff.

Am I doing this right?


Just do repeated < small > for even smaller text!
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