Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

And I’ve changed it to Guinea pigs


You got my approval.

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As long as it’s not Guinea bees.


Because he doesn’t care and doesn’t want to deal with nonsense stuff?

And that’s the point, people see this as a judgement. The problem is if I say “the trans people needs help, because of their mental state” everybody gonna lash at me… cus it’s offensive and HOW DARE YOU SAY THIS? REPORTED!!!

Like seriously… the new trend in the US you either a victim or a victimizer.
Ofc, who wants to be a victimizer? Nobody.

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Director says otherwise, random that never worked on the movie. Thanks!

This guy gets it.
Too many weaklings nowdays and some clowns support them in their mental illness.

They removing even more references. This game is for kids, and I will never give my kid 15$ to play a game. sorry but it is too much for 16 years old game that is still in 2008 with all those archaic mechanics.

Think you’ll find the word you’re looking for is Accurate.

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You are just perpetuating homophobic stereotypes. You are part of the problem. People like you are in the process of disappearing, and that’s a good thing. The world will be a better place. Your children will be much more accepting of people, that are different than them. Teachers are raising them in school right now to be accepting of trans people, homosexual people, genderfluid people and non-binary people. You are slowly losing this war. The world is changing. Clinging to your racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic games won’t change anything about it. You’ve already lost.

sorry i cba to read the rest of this thread but this literally has me wheezing
“sex” and “gender” are different. “sex” is male/female and i believe intersex. Gender is what you identify as, it has literally nothing to do with your physical body, although appearance can have an impact for many people.

Also “defined by chromosomes” you mean the same chromosomes that are scientifically proven to not be the same in all biological males, or all biological females? You mean the chromosomes that everyone presumed were just XX and XY, but with further scientific study were discovered to also have XXY, XXX, X, and all sorts of other combos? You mean the chromosomes that are about as far from the binary as you can get? Pick up a book for 5 minutes. Scientifically, there are more than two genders. Emotionally, there are more than two genders. You just look dumb and hateful.

Last but not least, just because you are not hurt by it, doesn’t mean others arent. Blizzard has made a lot of dumb decisions, but blatant hurtful jokes arent the same as spicy flirt lines. These sort of things have a good reason to be removed, compared to a lot of stuff they’ve already changed.

Also to respond to your thing about “murders not breaking real life rights” are you…serious? okay let me make this simple, considering thats what you seem to need.
Subtle (or not so subtle) jokes about transphobia, homophobia, or whatever it may be (rape, assault, sexism, anything) subconsciously encourage normalizing that. People are affect by those things DAILY. So many people are terrified to even step outside because of these things. it takes NOTHING away from your gaming experience to remove those references. And if it does, it says a lot about you as a person.
And for the record, if there was/is a “commit murder” quest in wow, i’d damn well hope they’d remove it. But fighting isn’t murder.
and again, YOU don’t have to be effected by something for it to be important. Changing things in wow isn’t the issue, it’s what they’re changing. Posts like this are trying to make sure they change the right things instead of…covering up cleavage and stopping saucy flirt lines.

I’m pretty sure any straight up murders in wow are put in a bad light, greatly looked down upon. if not, please correct me, because i’d absolutely be against it.

also to Kretias, I get where you’re coming from, but the point he’s making clearly comes from a supportive place. If blizzard is “fixing” all these tiny little “issues”, mentioning something like this doesn’t seem out of place. And transphobia can still make cishet people uncomfortable, they’re allowed to voice that too. While I can’t speak on this actual issue (havent watched the film), even if they’re wrong, give them the credit for trying to improve the community. That goes to all of you. Hating on people for voicing opinions and trying to help improve a game is old and gross

And to Pwnie, those stats are wrong, but 9 in 10 trans people think about suicide, and over 1 in 4 attempt it. That is enough.

More than 1 in 4 attempt it. 41% commit suicide.

Still waiting for you linking that. Oh you can’t like always? Ah well you’re banned soon enough anyway for your insults against daestra alone.

If you can’t tell difference between male and female that is your problem.

If everyone in room tells you are wrong then you are wrong.

Ah thanks for the correction!

…So you’re wrong? :'D Multiple people have told you you’re wrong but your transphobia is blinding you. Male and female are genders, as is trans male/female, and any nonbinary genders. I’ve given you the proof, you’re just giving me opinions. Cry/try harder.

The majority is always right? That’s a terrible way of thinking. When you’re living in a dictatorship and everyone around you is complying and you’re the only one resisting, I guess you’re the one that’s wrong.

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If you can make babies you are female.
If you can’t you are male.
Both cases are healthy individuals.
There are two like sides of magnets.

God your life sounds sad. You’re really that mad over people feeling comfortable in their skin that you have to spout hate on the internet? Do you ever step back and actually realize what you’re doing?

And again, thats sex, not gender. And you’re blatantly ignoring intersex people.

UK / EU Office closed because the must paid fair wages in this lands

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