Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

If this can make babies then it is female

Well said. I understand that most trans people are pretty chilled about most stuff. Its the people who are not even trans who cause problems getting up about something that doesn’t even affect them.

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I like like logic and science call yourself Tiger but you are human.
Just word game to make some weirdos feel better same laws apply to everyone.

local dumbass believe infertile women are men. local dumbass thinks intersex people dont exist. local dumbass things men born with ovaries dont exist. local dumbass thinks their transphobic hatred has is more important than literally just shutting up and letting people be happy.

Even if we shared the same views i’d rather be caught dead than in a room with you. Transphobia aside, your ignorance and self obsession is disgusting. get an atom of empathy jesus christ

it costs you nothing to walk away and let people enjoy themselves, whether you “believe” it or not.

wow i forgot how to spell on that one lmao

You can’t even read or what?
I said healthy individuals.

Try harder nextime clown.
I know what I write seems you see things which are not reality.

…okay do me a solid
do a five minute google on chromosomes and gender
its…its literally proven
like im not spouting opinions like you, literally all you have is opinions
all ive said is proven facts and ur trying to imply im making it up? pot/kettle

Like magnets two sides in Human race.
Can make baby = female.
Can’t = male.
Both healthy individuals.

Call yourself Tiger irl. I say you are human.
And don’t care.
What I hate is when these who think themselves of Tigers want to try twist world to fit their tiger fantasy.

Like OP and degenerated devs are doing.

Laws are same for everyone by tiger if you want lol.

I’ve got the eye of the tiger, I’m the king of the fight.

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the hell is this tiger thing you’re rambling on about

also you’re completely ignoring facts and proof in favor of hatred and ignorance. You’re either 12, a troll, or an awful person. Either way i’m done trying to talk to a brick wall.

If you’re using “tiger” as an alternative to “trans”, I’m twisting nothing. I offered you facts, you ignored them. You’re the one trying to twist the world just so you can throw a little more hate into the world. Grow up. Good day.

Weren’t genders created to minimize the cellular bond damage in replication that The Great Oxygenation created millions of years ago?

… Curse you Oxygen!!! shakes fist

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There are no other facts if you can’t see differences then you will have issues irl.

refuses to educate themselves
“no other facts”

Tell me physiological differences tiger.
I hope you find some tiger.


Great, nice physiological.
Thanks for correction now proceed with them.

read literally anything ive written before

that would refer to sex and sex ONLY. INCLUDING intersex people. Gender is not sex, it is emotional and societal. If you cant understand that you have no hope of understanding any of it. just go live ur sad hate filled life xx

Can’t answer yet you had good laugh for correcting me which I appreciate.

Call yourself Tiger lol.

I did answer you. Physiological would only refer to sex, we are talking about gender. Your point is null.

and what the hell is this tiger thing?? just say trans? or does the word scare you lmao

i find it interesting… with blizzard making their game less transphobic… they are promoting more transphobic atmosphere in their community…

they really do not have a clue.