Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

You do realise you are calling a gay woman a homophobe don’t you?

I wo t have children, unless I adopt or Foster. You really are an absolute muppet.

Edit this is Ealean BTW, changed PC so different character posted.


Call yourself how ever you want trans tiger reality is different.
So unless likes of you trans people don’t try to change and twist reality to fit their fantasy don’t care.

Sadly these stupid devs who believe of themselves as tigers same with OP are literally regression of humanity.

Back on my correct character now, so can you please enlighten me how, as a gay woman, I am homophobic?

and again, ive given you proof, you’ve ignored it in favor of opinions. I’m not mature enough nor do i want to stop myself from calling you an idiot. You literally do not want to improve as a person, you just want to hate. You are awful.

It all boils down to you combining sex with gender. Something i discussed with you a while ago. You have to seperate the two and sex isnt aimed at the act of procreation here. As i said Scientists make a clear difference between sex and gender in their studies (and the word gender is not related to typical Gender Roles here). Gender is mainly aimed at what happens inside your brain and how it developed in this regard.

Probably got bored of calling people Clowns.

I’d rather be called tiger tbf.


Each as immature and childish to be fair.

No its not. Not even remotely. Its a fact.

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Female make baby.
Male don’t.
What is sex in this situation?

Give me example.

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I can call squid based on your mog.

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Oh how very adult and mature of you.

Well by boring grey adult yourself.

No point arguing lol, he thinks I’m a homophobe. My girlfriend and I laughed like never before.

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And the child continues to show him/her self.

Sex = What your body is able to reproduce with in theory

Gender = How your brain develops.

And thats a VERY BASIC example.


So sex is female makes babies.
And sex male can’t.

And gender are these tigers, trans, dragons and squids people who think/believe/feel that way.

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Google seahorses, then come back

Are you Seahorse thought you were squid.

And come to me they don’t look insane one here compares to Seahorse.

Its not a think or feel question in this regard. The brain developed more in line with how a “regular” brain of the opposite sex typically develops. So techincally lets say for a MtF the biological male has a brain that develops typical to that of a biological female.

Edit: Remembered the term.