Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

Kindergarten called, wondered why you haven’t been.

Well that are your words and when called on them you are silent squid.

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You wrote feel/think/believe with many words when in the end it is same thing.

I’ll explain it to you then, the Male Seahorse incubated and gives birth to the young, so make of that what you will.

I am not insane enough to compare myself to Seahorse you can compare yourself to one that is your right.

Where I am from if someone behaves acts insane they are send to Asylum and rights are taken from them.

Child, when shown you are incorrect, you just babble on! Sad individual

What you’re talking about has nothing to do with gender. Those are animals. Gender is trans male/female, nonbinary, genderqueer, demigirl/boy, etcetera. Or some people dont even like to define their gender. You’re still a human lol. Kretias is explaining it in a far more eloquent way than i can.

Its not the same thing as your brain develops like the one of the opposite sex for a number of reasons. Its not a question about feelings in this regard. Scientists dont base their stuff on feelings.

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You just compared yourself to Seahorse.


Ah does explain why you haven’t been to kindergarten then.

Thinking either or you conviently ignored it?

Well as a seahorse I’d still have more understanding and intelligence than you, so guess win/win.

One guy said I think therefore I am.

Yep insane I suggest seeking help if you compare yourself to Seahorse in any form or level as human.

And then argue this way simple does X so humans are same.
Yup insane indeed.

Popeye the sailor man wasn’t it?

You said “feel/think/believe” but that isnt the case as its how the brain develops of said individual.

Yes all 3.
Going to play word game?
I say think what you say now.

It was this guy Rene Descartes.

No!!! Really?

Could have sworn it was Popeye.

Sometimes it’s just too easy.

Was he in The Expendables? :thinking:

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