Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

What are you on about now exactly because i lost track.

Biological Sex = What you were born with in regards of your reproductive organs

Gender = How your brain develops and whether its more in line with the regular development of your biological sex or more in line with that of the opposite sex. Meaning your brain developed in total contrast to your biological sex (or not).

Gender roles like “woman stay in the kitchen” and “boys dont cry and are strong and cut wood” = Not the same as gender despite sharing the word gender in it and ultimately ignored by scientists in regards of what they define as gender.

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Based on your low IQ and comparing yourself to same level as Seahorse not surprise.

Nah, he was the owner of the cafe in Allo Allo.

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So think therefore I am nothing else.
And rest of your post is unrelated.

Awww bless he/she tried to insults me with an IQ barb.

Mummy I’m hurt, make the sad man/woman/undecided go away!

Grow up for God’s sake, you claimed that females only could give birth, I’ve shown you incorrect, but you, once again refuse to acknowledge your wrong.

Edit I’m away to have food, oh and my girlfriend.

I don’t communicate with non mammals.
Bye Seahorse squid.

Was it like a middle name? Thought for sure his last name was Artois.

just wanna say that vile transphobia aside this is a godd@mn riot of a thread. ive never legit laughed over wow forums before, 10/10 would banter again

You are welcome.
And did you accuse me of something?

The rest of my post is a scientific standpoint on the matter.

Is not to what I talk about and we agreed on first.

I just had cake, is was delicious, we got cake to take home, glorious sunday ahead :drooling_face:

And more VR gaming ahead xD

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If you really were you wouldn’t be defending homophobic stereotypes.

Your not even relevant to the topic anymore


VR Tomb of Sargeras transmogrification run?

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My gf has a level 50 alt already an d i need to run her through some raids eventually so ill hit you up :3

Agree to disagree.
Jokes are fine. Always. Comedy should never be canceled or removed just because some people don’t like it. No matter what the subject is.

Trying to force people into extremist views is definitely NOT improving the community.


Seems like everyone with common sense agrees here even these who are enemies!

One common enemy brings people together!

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Its not a stereotype. While its in decline among homosexuals its still the group most affected by new infections.


Trans rights are human rights, its 2021 guys come on. I welcome the removal of all the transphobic frat boy culture.