Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

Do you take your Information and buzz words from content creators.

Mind having own take?

I thought we were talking about cake?

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Would you say itā€™s as bad as Pelagosphobia or being intimidated by masculine women?


Kleia is good, Pelagos isā€¦

Ok, so Iā€™m someone who canā€™t grow a proper moustache. I want all moustaches removed from the game because they offend me. Human rights.

Iā€™m also someone who doesnā€™t have a sense of humour. I want all jokes removed from the game because they offend me. Human rights.

Iā€™m also someone who was born with 3 toes on one foot instead of 5. I want all races that have more than 3 toes, to be changed to only have 3 toes. Because it offends me. Human rights.

Itā€™s an extremely slippery slope if stuff like this is allowed to happen. That is my point.
Anyone can be offended by anything. Being offended is subjective. You canā€™t cater to that. Itā€™s wrong.

And that doesnā€™t mean I think itā€™s okay for hate crimes to happen against trans people, for people spewing absolute hatred against them etc. Those are things for which we have LAWS. Comedy is NOT those things.

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Kleiaā€™s great :+1:t2:

That panda is on same mentally ill level as two elfs and squid.

@mods Unflag my post has most likes in this nonsensical thread.

So now you are questioning my sexuality?

Dear God you really are a neanderthal, I have already stated I am out and proud


I would like to politely disagree on this. And I have a reason that is valid, at least to me. I have always thought that comedy that is cruel and unkind towards those that cannot speak up for themselves is not really nice at all.

And not all people can speak up and defend themselves, as a nurse I have witnessed patients in a very delicate state who have been the source of comedy and unkind jokes. And it breaks my heart.

What does that have to do with trans right?

Transgenderā€™s are normal people .

I agree, but we are ALL normal people!

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You say that, but as Holystyle has pointed out, thereā€™s a squid on your face.

Trust me thatā€™s to stop all others feeling insecure and jealous of my looks!


Thatā€™s actually very nice of you. Youā€™re nice.

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Yes I know

(cheques in the post)

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Not what he meant. However the term normal in his example is up for debate. Doesnt mean i agree with everything holystyle says (obviously not since i debated earlier already)

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You can call it i RP hatred in World of Warcraft .

And who canā€™t speak up?
Toddlers?! Ok, stop making cruel and unkind jokes about toddlers.
Oh waitā€¦ They have parents who are responsible for them and will do the talking for them.

Thatā€™s still no reason. If we have to adjust to the lowest common denominator on an emotional level, weā€™ll all be crying all day every day feeling so sorry for any- and everything. Society would collapse.