Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

Because he has no ground to stand on anymore and he cant deal with the fact that someone that is trans is utterly opposed to his bullpoop.

and thats what it is , a joke, dont take is so hard

Happily Gay female (I hate the term Lesbian) and it makes me vomit when people try to speak for others, especially as in this thread where, despite being asked a number of times why the OP feels personally offended, they just spout what they think is the ā€˜politically correctā€™ phrases in their sad deluded world. We are all human, we breathe the same air!


So you arenā€™t trans, got offended by something that you find transphobic, and when confronted by a trans person who disagrees with you, your first instict is to question them? Thatā€™s low.


People - the poster has 14 posts (all on this thread by the looks of it) you are being trolled. Donā€™t feed the troll

You claimed that they ā€œend up killing them selvesā€ what you linked says ā€œattempted suicideā€
Try again. And this time leave Jesus out of it, heā€™s done enough for humanity.

Thatā€™s normal for the perpetually offended. Any who donā€™t agree with them, even those from the demographic they speak for, are haters.

damn >.>

Well i guess its time to talk about ducks and our lord and savoir Nā€™Zoth

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This just proves that the posts are trolling and not for real. Time to move along.

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:duck: :duck: :duck: :duck: :duck:

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But butā€¦that quackers!!

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A tiny duck pet, and a duck mount would be lovely

Iā€™d love a duck pet as a hunter.


Duck off with your our there demands!

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but the sounds engineers should choose some Quality quacks for them

On de one hand, dis got many hits, so dat be pretty good work. But it also be in pretty bad taste, especially some of da later replies. Be doinā€™ bettah de next time mon.


We can always count on Forumtroll and to some degree Flatearth to be the voices of reason.


Except; donā€™t mention flat earth theories to him.

But then that would be sexist!! As only female ducks quack!!

How dare you, I feel so offended :rofl:


wait there are male ducks?!??! o.0