Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

this still going on? I thought we were on guinea pigs

Are you telling me your colleagues would harm you?

It didn’t take.

I was just speaking in general. There is however many places where people get bullied at work.

I agree 100% with this unless family or someone else important to you is at risk just think of your ownsafety first.


Nonono… Vulpera. I mean… Rabbits…


I need one of those :heart_eyes:


They make a great stew.

Oh no you didn’t…


Actually you need at least 2. Rabbits should never be alone.

It’s the same size as my frenchie so they can keep eachother company!

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I have one of those.


Very true. Workplace bullying takes many ugly forms. It can be visible and invisible bullying. I always try to be kind to those I work with, as I know life is hard enough without me adding to the burden with malice and spite.


Jealous! Does it run around freely in the house?

Yes. Just like the other 3 (different breed). Well in their room to be more precise. Cant really have them run around freely unless the entire house is rabbit proof. Any cable that is not protected WILL be detected and WILL be obliterated. Amongst others.


Me too. I try to take people to the toilet despite it taking extra time and always wash their feet too even though"there is no time for that just do it once a week when they shower"…make sure to tuck them in how they like it at night…give them a handmassage inbetween if I notice they have dry skin. Little things really.

So cute! I had a teddy wider rabbit for years myself. He was allowed to run around in the house if I was there to protect our cables. He would mostly snuggle up to me and groom me though :heart_eyes:

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All those little things are such a big deal! The tucking in part. The talking to them about how their day was. I used to pray with a religious patient because it helped him go to sleep. It is about giving, and never asking anything back. Because personally I feel the reward each time I come to work and is greeted with smiles, when I can tell a patient feels safe around me.

Life is wonderful, because we all make it so.

Maybe I should be on some feel-good forum?

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Pfft. Why should they hog all the nice people?

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Mine just gives me head/fistbumps when i say “say hello” other than that she prefers to chill or eat.

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