Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

Very true. They will also be easier to handle if you are kind and patient. I had one colleague who always tried to rush patients which resulted in them getting mad and struggeling. And then they get labled as “difficult patients” :roll_eyes:

I know what you mean entirely. It is always the patients that are difficult it seems. :cry:

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That’s not what this song is about. The song is making fun of trans people just being trans. Nobody said you need to concern yourself with any sex act. Just don’t treat them like freaks.

Ye still waiting for you proving your claim that the person is trans. You’re getting boring at this point.

Same with waiting for you to respond to the fact that you are a proven bigot in another thread.


Ye still waiting for you proving your claim that the person either isn’t, or is just what you claimed they were. :3 You won’t, just like you hide in the discord.

Burden of proof lies with the one that did the first claim. So the OP. Something we told you ages ago.

You mean the discord that everyone can enter, and my name being displayed, and read and where you are lurking without revealing yourself? Hmm kinda ironic.


Not sure why do you even argue private conversations as something having anything to do with that clown.

MATE literally argues someone said X about IT in their place.

like wut ?

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Clown? Pickpawkit is one of the most reasonable, intelligent and charming posters you’re likely to ever come across.

I can sense so much Sarcasm,
Seen first Episode of The Black List will wathc more quite interesting.

Which, I was able to prove via the director. :3

I mean, you’re the one breaking discords T&S stuff, not me. :3 You’re the one not willing to say stuff here that you’re saying there. Hmm kinda ironic~ I didn’t run off to somewhere else to talk about someone behind their back because you didn’t want to say it to their face.

Ye still waiting for your citation. A let me Google that for you is not link towards the direct quote

Not Really. Twilunas and Punys rules apply as it’s a private place. It’s ultimately Theo decision

You’re the one lurking. And I’m fully aware of that. So take everything I said there at face value. Reveal yourself and I’m more than willing to repeat it.

I did.

Except, discord rules still apply through server rules.

Same thing for here, Discourse rules persist through Blizzards.

I’m right here. :3

Even if the character isn’t really someone who identifies as a woman, and only has the operation done on him to “hide”, the reaction of the other characters is what’s important here. The character is still presented as a “girl who is really a guy” and is made fun of, by showing how disgusting it must be for men, who have been tricked by her. It’s the old trope of “he tricked me into believing he was a woman, what a freak”.

I believe mods are gone guys .

You didnt, and if you did, please do post again the exact words director said, thanks. Also, make sure to give a source too.

Its because she kissed all the cops, who thought it was a girl, but when they found out it was actually a guy (NOT trans) they showed disgust for kissing another man, except one that looks happy, since he avoided it. It has nothing to do with transphobia.


Contradicting yourself, seems you don’t actually know now do you? :3 Feel free to scroll up.

Read everything, not just cut 5 words like you usually do, please post the quote again as i havent seen you give it directly, if you firmly believe you are correct, it means you have easy access to your claim.

Ah, you should take your own advice yes! :3 It has been linked. Read not just 5 posts, but all of them to find it. As you put it.

I have read all, and you didnt give what was asked in any post. In your next reply please do the following:

  • Post EXACT quote made by director;
  • Give source for said quote.

If you fail to do so in next reply, then you are simply trolling and your claim is invalid.

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Except I did. Though, didn’t you make claims about the character earlier in the thread that you never substantiated yourself? Hmm… Food for thought!