Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

Had to google that, thank you. I learned something new today :duck:

Apparently male ducks sort of weeze and hiss.

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No idea, but Iā€™d have thought that batteries and water are a dangerous combination :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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It is good to see more people standing up for ducks. Take notice, Blizzard. We will be silent no more.

More ducks.

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Why do we still not have a duck mount is beyond me. Just imagine the waddling.

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Oh godā€¦ Now someoneā€™s going to mention the horror of the male duck pen0r.

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Problem we have then is that Blizzard will have to remove Oranges, as ducks and orange sauce could be offensive, and all that time making fruit pictures in the game would be a waste!

Editā€¦looks like the OP has decided to leave us, and as much as I love ducks and all things ducking, I am to take my leave!

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That is quite a conundrum :thinking:

I feel offended

Why do we not have any adorable "quack quacks" in the game?


:musical_note: Waddle, waddle. Got any grapes :musical_note:


I donā€™t think youā€™ll find many ducks playing World of Warcraft. I think weā€™ll be okay.

Source please!!


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I love how we have defused this threadā€¦ good work all :+1:

South Park World of Warcraft episode of course!
Not a single duck playing!

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Now I NEED Indian Runner duck mount in my life!

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Stop with all this talk about ducks, I felt hungry!

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It was?
I havenā€™t seen the movie in like 20 years but I thought it was outright said or implied he had surgery done after his time at the mental hospital.


Damned autocorrect, I meant ā€˜Sauceā€™ :rofl:


Isā€¦ Is this what being a part of cancel culture is like?!

Or is this a new thingā€¦ Duck culture.
See something you donā€™t like: Talk about ducks.

A nice pink duck breast with an apple sauce = heaven!

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